Please turn on your JavaScript for this page to function normally. steps up security, one of the most popular URL shortening services, announced it will be integrating three new security-related services by the end of the year: 1. Websense’s …

Latest Windows security patches trigger black screen

You’re starting up your Windows (7, Vista, XP, NT, W2K, W2K3 or W2K8 PC or server) and everything looks normal. You log in, and your faced with a black screen with a …

Password attacks, tips and tricks

Almost a year ago, the Microsoft Malware Protection Center launched a honeypot FTP server with the intention of researching the attacks that normal users are subjected on an …

Nessus 4.2 released

Nessus is a vulnerability scanner which in version 4.2 includes several enhancements including a new Flash-based interface. With this interface, scan results and policies are …

Top 10 holiday threats

As the holidays bring an increase in online shopping, charitable giving and social interaction, consumers and businesses should be on guard against some common scams that …

Security fix in Ruby on Rails 2.3.5

Ruby on Rails 2.3.5 was released over the weekend which provides several bug-fixes and one security fix. It should be fully compatible with all prior 2.3.x releases and can be …

Visualize network packets with Pkviz

Pkviz is a tool for plotting and cycling through and animating a series of network packets captured by tcpdump. What makes it unique is that the packets’ structure is …

Privacy and security: A fine balancing act

ENISA has just published a seven minute video overview of the recent NIS Summer School 2009. The short documentary follows up on the topic of this year’s event – …

Thanksgiving scams: Warming up for Christmas

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between legitimate online offers and malicious spam. In this day and age, you can be pretty sure that financial and government …

Week in review: IE vulnerabilities, iPhone anti-virus and security threats for 2010

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews and articles: Workers stealing data for competitive edge 85% of people admit they know …

iPhone anti-virus software: Has the time come?

Anti-virus software has already been made available for various mobile phones. Security firm F-Secure offers protection for phones with Windows Mobile and Symbian and …

Skype users targeted by Koobface look-alike

Trend Labs warn about a seeming Koobface variant – TROJ_VILSEL.EA – that targets Skype. It steals information from the user’s Skype profile: login …

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