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Increased safety for young Facebook users

Young Facebook users across the UK are the focus of a new initiative being launched today by the UK’s national centre for child protection – the Child Exploitation …

Big ISPs challenge the U.K. Digital Economy Act

The UK Digital Economy Act is supposed to usher Britain into the digital age. Despite having many opponents (certain MPs, law enforcement agents, ISPs, companies like Google …

Microsoft unveils Windows Azure platform appliance

Microsoft announced the limited production release of the Windows Azure platform appliance, a turnkey cloud platform for large service providers and enterprises to run in …

When identity theft is not your fault

Not a month goes by that we don’t hear of a theft of a laptop, external hard drive, USB stick or CD belonging to a company and containing sensitive personal information …

Week in review: YouTube, iTunes, The Pirate bay hacked, Facebook scams and Twitter kits

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, interviews and articles: Most cyber attacks target the U.S. SecureWorks announced the findings of …

U.S. Senator’s email hacked and used to sent out scam emails

The Yahoo email account of Bob Dvorsky, Iowa State Senator, has been compromised by unknown individuals who used it to send a variation of the “friend in need” …

Technical support – they’re not always the good guys

Recently, we’ve noticed that the rogue AVs being spread are all equipped with an “Online Support” button. See the top right corner: Pressing Support takes …

Perfect Citizen: U.S. infrastructure protection against cyber attacks

“Perfect Citizen” is the code name for a new government-sponsored program aimed at detecting cyber attacks targeting private and government agencies that run the …

Reversible watermarking proves digital image authenticity

Knowing whether a digital photo has been altered is sometimes of vital importance. Being able to confirm that the picture is authentic and that it, indeed, comes from the …

Black Hat USA 2010 presents over 30 new vulnerabilities

Black Hat USA 2010, taking place later this month in Las Vegas, will spotlight new vulnerabilities, tools, programs and big names, including a Cyber War discussion by General …

Phone-based authentication for IBM Tivoli Access Manager

PhoneFactor has added support for IBM Tivoli Access Manager to its suite of authentication solutions and can now seamlessly enable phone-based two-factor authentication to …

The Pirate Bay hacked, user information exposed

It’s one problem after another for the (in)famous file-sharing Web site. Dogged by the music and movie industry, its founders are defending themselves and their creation …

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