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Snort released

Snort is an open source network intrusion prevention system, capable of performing real-time traffic analysis and packet logging on IP networks. It can perform protocol …

New book: “Ubuntu for Non-Geeks, 4th Edition”

Ubuntu has been hailed as the Linux distribution for newbies, but getting it up and running isn’t always a walk in the park. Linux is different—but the same unique …

Get notified of suspicious Facebook access to your account

For all of you who haven’t figured it out already, there is a simple way to make sure that if someone breaks into your Facebook account and misuses it, you know it …

The modern network security landscape

Businesses must change their mindset on security to help ensure that their networks and vital corporate information are protected from evolving security threats, according to …

Privacy worries make the E.U. limit use of citizens’ personal data

The European Union has announced its plan to enforce stricter rules regarding its use of personal data of private citizens. “Citizens should have the right to know what …

1.2 million infected by Eleonore exploits toolkit

AVG’s Web security research team has discovered a network of 1.2 million malware-infected computers controlled by cybercriminals who were using the Eleonore exploit …

Security risk tool for healthcare

Whenever there is a security breach of any size involving protected health information (PHI), the healthcare industry is now required under the HITECH Act to complete an …

Time to end the proliferation of passwords in the cloud

Cloud computing promises to free applications from vendor lock-in and the confines of company walls. Business is on the move with laptops, smart phones, and tablets. Access to …

Finally! A sandbox for Adobe Reader

A little more than a year ago, Adobe announced their Adobe Reader and Acrobat security initiative, which would focus on code hardening, incident response process improvements, …

Stuxnet malware and default SCADA passwords put critical infrastructure at risk

Sophos has issued new guidance and research on a Windows zero-day vulnerability that is already being used to target critical infrastructure systems, and for which exploit …

“OMG mother went to jail” Facebook scam spreads virally

Sophos is warning Facebook users about a new scam that is spreading quickly across the social network pretending to be a link to a photograph of a baby boy taken by his …

Google updates its anti-spam engine to block recent JavaScript attacks

Google has updated its Postini anti-spam engine following the recent surge in emails containing obfuscated JavaScript attacks. These emails are a hybrid between virus and spam …

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