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Norton updates Tablet Security and Mobile Security

Symantec announced Norton Tablet Security and new updates for Norton Mobile Security, including a new “Scream” feature that helps users find a lost or stolen phone …

The value of digital content

Although 51% of Americans have experienced a computer crash where they lost all of their digital files, more than one-third (39%) admit they have never backed up their …

Duqu installer exploits zero-day bug in Windows kernel

An installer for the Duqu Trojan has been discovered by CrySys, the Hungarian firm that initially discovered the threat, and the file has shed some light onto how the threat …

Researchers to be rewarded for coordinating software vulnerabilities

Vulnerability researchers are being invited to participate in a new program under which Secunia, a provider of vulnerability intelligence and vulnerability management tools, …

Americans will sue if personal data is compromised

Americans will go to great lengths to avoid identity theft, and many say they would take legal action against government or private organizations that compromise their …

Cybercriminal gang ringleaders convicted for stealing over $4.5 million

Two Ukrainians who admitted to have been the ringleaders of a criminal ring bent on stealing money from online bank accounts have finally been sentenced to four years and …

WikiLeaks founder loses extradition appeal

Wikileaks’ founder Julian Assange has lost another appeal to the February decision by a UK court that he should be extradited to Sweden in order to face possible charges …

How organizations manage cloud computing security risks

A Ponemon Institut survey of 1,000 IT security practitioners and enterprise compliance officers revealed that less than half of all respondents believe their organizations …

Scan your PC for common vulnerabilities

The Secunia Online Software Inspector, or short OSI, is a fast way to scan your PC for the most common programs and vulnerabilities, thus checking if your PC has a minimum …

Security concerns limit cloud computing use in law firms

Law firm technology managers are tempering their interest in cloud computing with a heightened focus on security, according to an annual survey published in The American …

Fraud prevention and bot protection

Imperva announced the availability of SecureSphere 9.0 and introduced ThreatRadar Fraud Prevention Services and defined a new Web security architecture that not only …

Nearly 50 chemical, defense companies hit with cyber espionage attacks

Nearly 50 (and quite possibly more) companies in the chemical, defense, and other sectors have been hit with a spear phishing campaign carrying a backdoor Trojan with the …

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