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AntiSec hackers hit California State Law Enforcement Association

When Operation AntiSec was started by Anonymous and LulzSec back in June and the two groups called on “any vessel, large or small, to open fire on any government or …

Nmap introduces 51 new scripts

Nmap is a free and open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network …

Tips to manage top IT trends

ISACA shared recommendations today for managing three of the trends widely cited to dominate the IT landscape in 2012: Big Data, the consumerisation of information technology …

Single packet authorization and port knocking

fwknop implements an authorization scheme called Single Packet Authorization (SPA). This method of authorization is based around a default-drop packet filter (fwknop supports …

Hackers aim to fight Internet censorship with own communication satellites

Communication satellites are usually put into orbit by governmental agencies or big corporations, but a group of hackers is planning to do some satellite-launching of their …

Stuxnet and Duqu created on same platform, say researchers

Stuxnet and Duqu have made quite an impact on the security community when they were discovered, and are still considered to be two of the most sophisticated pieces of malware …

Fake Amazon smartphone shipping confirmation leads to malware

The gift-giving holidays are almost over, but shopping online is an all-year-round activity for many users and they are often warned to be careful when indulging in it. …

Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center

Cloud computing will revolutionize the way IT resources are deployed, configured, and managed for years to come. Service providers and customers each stand to realize …

Week in review: Stratfor breach, brute-forcing WAPs and an analysis of Facebook attacks

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news: What’s in store for us in 2012 Looking forward into what lies ahead for us in 2012, Zscaler …

Microsoft releases MS11-100 for ASP.NET DoS attack

Today Microsoft released a security bulletin addressing a flaw in ASP.NET that was disclosed early morning yesterday at the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) in Berlin. …

Brute-forcing wireless access points made easy

A design flaw in the WiFi Protected Setup that can allow attackers to easily brute-force their way into wireless network devices has been discovered and made public by …

Beware of password-protected documents carrying malware

Password-protected malicious attachments delivered via email are not a new occurrence – we have recently witnesses the tactic being used in the so-called Nitro attacks. …

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