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Mobile security app combines antivirus, web and app protection

McAfee announced a new version of its Mobile Security software, providing smartphone and tablet owners with more controls to preserve their privacy and protection against …

Most disruptive and significant IT trends

451 Research, published an all-encompassing report highlighting the most disruptive and significant trends that the analyst firm expects to dominate and drive the enterprise …

Fingerprint security for Mac OS X

AuthenTec announced a new fingerprint security solution – including an Eikon fingerprint sensor and TrueSuite identity management software – for Mac computers …

New data encryption platform

CertiVox unveiled its PrivateSky Secure Information Exchange (SIX) platform. The service provides protection for email, files and other information sent via the cloud, through …

Security analysis tool Trisul 2.3 released

Trisul is a new kind of network monitor that supplements fine grained traffic metering with flows, packets, and alerts. You can carry out any kind of network and security …

Hacking and Securing iOS Applications

If you’re an app developer with a solid foundation in Objective-C, this book is an absolute must – chances are very high that your company’s iOS applications …

Week in review: “Frankenmalware”, Kelihos malware author revealed, and the tragic state of SCADA security

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news: Tool used in Anonymous Megaupload campaign Looking at the LOIC downloads so far this year, …

FBI in the market for app to monitor social networks

The US FBI is looking into the possibility of using an “Open Source and social media alert, mapping, and analysis application” for increasing its situational …

Facebook scammers leverage the Amazon Cloud

Survey scams have been targeting Facebook users for longer that they would wish. The goal of all of them has always been to make users fill out survey, but the lures and …

Perplexing malware served on social welfare site

Legitimate compromised sites usually serve malware that directly or indirectly makes money for its peddlers, but ever now and then an exception to that rule arises. …

Unwanted apps on Android smartphones

Third-party Android markets have always been the favorite means of malicious app dissemination, especially in regions like Asia, where users don’t have access to the …

Protect sensitive data on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux

CoSoSys released EasyLock 2, their portable data protection solution. The enhanced new version offers full support for cross platform encryption between Windows, Mac OS X and …

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Cybersecurity news