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Automated security analytics and protection

Network security teams face the task of protecting networks with disparate tools that are limited, slow and labor intensive. Multi-stage attacks executed by diligent cyber …

Webroot delivers endpoint protection

The security landscape has changed and traditional signature-based software can’t keep up. A recent study of IT decision makers found an overwhelming 95 per cent …

Malware surpassed 75 million samples in 2011

McAfee released its latest threats report, revealing that malware surpassed the company’s estimate of 75 million unique malware samples last year. Although the release …

New solution and certification addresses the BYOD challenge

Aruba Networks introduced ClearPass, an access management system for the secure provisioning of mobile devices on any enterprise network. It’s designed to enable IT …

Mozilla asks CAs in its root program to revoke all MitM certificates

Following the big brouhaha raised by Trustwave’s acknowledgement that it has revoked a “MitM” subordinate root certificate it issued to a business for its …

Multi-layered cloud security for banks

ActivIdentity announced integrated fraud detection service and authentication capabilities for its 4TRESS Authentication Appliance. The all-in-one platform and cloud-based …

“Ex-girlfriend sex video” Facebook scam

Survey scammers love targeting Facebook users, because the social nature of the network makes sure that the scam will be propagated far and wide. The latest of these scams has …

Syrian dissidents claim government uses malware to spy on them

Syrian opposition activists have been targeted by the government since the start of the massive anti-government protests in January 2011, but only recently they have began to …

Researchers break video CAPTCHAs, offer solutions

After creating the “Decaptcha” software to solve audio CAPTCHAs, Standford University’s researchers modified it and turned it against text and, quite …

British student jailed for hacking Facebook

26-year-old software development student Glenn Mangham has been sentenced to spend eight months in jail following his hack into several Facebook servers between April and May …

Facebook Gold Membership Status scam hits users

A bizarre email purportedly sent by Facebook has been hitting inboxes around the world and trying to convince the recipients that they have been awarded a “100% Gold …

Security and SLAs, the biggest barrier to cloud adoption

45% of European IT decision makers view a lack of security and service level agreements (SLAs) as top concerns for moving to the cloud, according to a survey by Interxion. …

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Cybersecurity news