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Child ID theft epidemic continues to spread

The epidemic of child identity theft revealed last year is continuing to grow. 10.7% of the nearly 27,000 children in the study are victims of identity theft, 35 times higher …

Users feel insecure on social media sites

More than four out of five users worry about their personal information being stolen or misused on social media sites such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, according to …

Audited way to reset or unlock domain account passwords

Lieberman Software released Account Reset Console 6.0, which permits delegated users to reset their own passwords and unlock their own accounts without involving IT staff, …

Identity as a Service platform for cloud service providers

Symplified announced Symplified Structure which enables telcos, cloud service providers, cloud application brokers, and cloud application hosting companies to seamlessly …

Poison Ivy RAT served by compromised Israeli website

The official website of the Israeli Institute for National Security Studies has been compromised and has been found serving a variant of the Poison Ivy remote administration …

Joint attack by banking Trojan and ransomware

The Citadel malware – a banking Trojan that is based on Zeus Trojan’s source code and whose creators have adopted a Software-as-a-Service approach when it comes to …

Fake PayPal payment notification leads to malware

PayPal might have passed the torch of the most phished brand to China’s, but that doesn’t mean that phishers and other scammers have stopped delivering …

Biggest enterprise data recovery myths

Kroll Ontrack announced the top five data recovery myths. From concerns over cost, system complexity and data protection to resource constraints and simple misunderstandings, …

Free, integrated antivirus and firewall solution

Check Point announced ZoneAlarm Free Antivirus + Firewall 2013 – a free Internet security solution that protects consumers against hackers, viruses, spyware, and …

Oracle addresses 0-day “TNS Poison”

Update: Edited to reflect that Oracle has released a configuration workaround, not a patch. This week Oracle released an out-of-band patch for the CVE-2012-1675 vulnerability …

Protection for Android financial applications

Metaforic had extended its world-class software hardening technology to protect financial applications on the Android platform, which face a range of new threats. Using this …

Managed cloud backup from GFI

GFI Software announced the addition of GFI MAX Managed Online Backup to the GFI MAX RemoteManagement managed services platform. The new service enables managed services …

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