Online banking fraud insurance scam
In their never ending effort to devise new schemes that defraud online banking accounts, criminals have come up with a scam that is both simple and extremely believable …
Sandbox added to Flash Player running on Firefox
As announced by Peleus Uhley, a senior security researcher within its Secure Software Engineering team, Adobe has outfitted the latest (beta) version of Adobe Flash Player …
Altus Mobile: Mobile location surveillance
Polaris Wireless announced Altus Mobile, a mobile location surveillance application, providing accurate mass location of all mobile devices operating on a cellular network, …
Cybercriminals are exploiting users of social networking sites
In April, cybercriminals were seen exploiting users of major social networking sites in order to spread malware and spam surveys, according to GFI Software. “In the same …
The personal cloud will eclipse the PC
The personal cloud is poised to eclipse the PC as the hub of consumers’ digital lives by 2014 as rapid growth in the use of apps and services introduces a new paradigm …
Healthcare concerns over data loss increase
While approaches to patient data protection have evolved over the past several years, the aggressive transition to electronic health records (EHR) and the consumerization of …
Webbots, Spiders, and Screen Scrapers, 2nd Edition
There’s a wealth of data online, but sorting and gathering it by hand can be tedious and time consuming. Rather than click through page after endless page, why not let …
FBI wants social networks and IM services to be wiretap-friendly
Worried that technology advances will leave its agents incapable of conducting surveillance of online communications of potential criminals, the FBI is quietly lobbying top …
Government workers unprotected against visual data leakage
Oculis Labs released results from its “Government Worker Privacy” survey on privacy risks for mobile workers. 104 people were randomly surveyed at this …
IEEE approves revision of wireless LAN standard
IEEE announced the publication of IEEE 802.11-2012, which defines the technology for the world’s premier wireless LAN products. The new IEEE 802.11-2012 revision has …
Is a German criminal behind the latest ransomware campaign?
Ransomware distribution campaigns are coming fast one after the other and its usually difficult – if not downright impossible – to discover anything about the …
Ransomware increases in prevalence as cyber-criminal tactic
In the first quarter of 2012 alone, six million new malware samples were created, following the trend of increasingly prevalent malware statistics of previous years, according …