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Android Cookbook

“Android has gone from zero to one of the leading mobile platforms in a few years,” explains author Ian Darwin, who crowdsourced many of the 200 …

47 arrested in massive carding ring bust

47 individuals were arrested on Wednesday by the officers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police following an investigation of a highly organized and disciplined criminal ring …

Fake HD repair tool targets Windows users

In the last year, ransomware infections have taken over from scareware as the cybercriminals’ favorite mode of squeezing money out of their victims, but that …

Another alleged TeamPoison hacker arrested

A 17-year-old male that is suspected to be “MLT”, a member and the unofficial spokesman of the notorious “TeamPoison” hacking gang, has been arrested …

Trojan posing as Flash Player for Android

Russian Android users are constantly targeted with Trojans posing as legitimate apps. Last month it was fake Instagram and Angry Birds Space apps, this time the lure is a …

FixMeStick: USB device for removing malware

FixMeStick has launched the first ever, consumer-ready USB device for removing viruses from infected PCs. The principles of the FixMeStick are not new to security IT …

Cybersecurity model may benefit a new cloud-based network

In the online struggle for network security, Kansas State University cybersecurity experts are adding an ally to the security force: the computer network itself. Scott …

Open certification framework for cloud providers

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) announced the CSA Open Certification Framework, an industry initiative to allow global, trusted certification of cloud providers. The CSA …

Encrypted flash drive with two-factor authentication

GoldKey announced its line of GoldKey Tokens with Built-In Flash that provide hardware-encrypted secure flash along with a built-in Smart Card and GoldKey’s enhanced …

Belkin to release 802.11ac wireless dual-band routers

Belkin announced plans to become one of the first to market with a line of wireless dual-band routers supporting the new 802.11ac wireless networking standard. New Belkin …

Windows Internals, Part 1, Sixth Edition

Delve inside Windows architecture and internals – and see how core components work behind the scenes. Led by three renowned internals experts, this classic guide is …

Two Norwegians arrested over DDoS attacks

Two Norwegian teenagers believed to have led DDoS attacks on a number of Norwegian and international websites have been arrested last Friday and Monday. The rather short …

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