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Organizations struggling to enforce policies for managing records

Despite greater investments in their information management programs, most organizations still struggle with properly implementing those programs and getting employees to …

Fake Amex ID verification email leads to malware

A bogus American Express account ID verification email is currently doing rounds, trying to trick users into following the offered links: The email might look like a phishing …

Microsoft embraces CVRF format for its security bulletins

A year has passed since the Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet (ICASI) introduced the first version of the Common Vulnerability Reporting …

Cloud Security Alliance announces EMEA congress

Building on the success of the Cloud Security Alliance Congresses held in the USA, the inaugural CSA EMEA Congress (Amsterdam, 25-26 September 2012) will provide practical …

Fake Pinterest pages scam users

Pinterest continues to draw both users and scammers in search for easy targets. Trend Micro fraud analyst Paul Pajares has recently delved into the world of Pinterest scams, …

IEEE introduces standard for body area networking

IEEE, the world’s largest professional association advancing technology for humanity, today announced a new standard, IEEE 802.15.6TM-2012, optimized to serve wireless …

Week in review: Vulnerable CCTV systems, Pinterest scam toolkits, and top three security concerns for CSOs and CIOs

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, podcasts, videos and articles: IT candidates should shift career perspectives Enterprises seem to …

Twitter supports “Do Not Track” option

The news was announced by Ed Felten, the US Federal Trade Commission’s CTO, at a New York Internet Week privacy panel, and Twitter has quickly come out to confirm it: …

Facebook IPO advanced fee scam hitting inboxes

Today’s the day when Facebook has officially become a publicly traded company, after founder Mark Zuckerberg rang the bell and officially opened trading on the Nasdaq …

MacScan 2.9.3 with Google Chrome and SeaMonkey support released

SecureMac released MacScan 2.9.3, which features tracking cookie detection and cleaning for Google’s Chrome browser. MacScan is the premier Macintosh security program, …

Hacker jailed for targeting Call of Duty gamers

It’s a bad week for British hackers as another youth has been handed a prison sentence. 20-year-old Lewys Martin from Kent is a repeat offender that, among other things, …

Worm targets Facebook users via PMs

A worm posing as a JPG image has seemingly been spotted propagating on Facebook and through various IM applications. “We recently received reports about private messages …

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