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Trojan stealing money in German online banking scam

Trusteer came across a complex new criminal scheme involving the Tatanga Trojan that conducts an elaborate Man in the Browser (MitB) attack to bypass SMS based transaction …

BYOD adoption is growing despite security concerns

While organizations are taking considerable steps towards BYOD adoption, network and bandwidth issues remain significant barriers for many. The Aruba survey found that 69 …

What security wants most from Big Data

More than two thirds of IT people think Big Data should be a strategic priority, according to Varonis. More than half expect Big Data to be a strategic initiative over the …

EMC acquires Syncplicity

EMC has acquired privately held Syncplicity, a provider of native cloud-based sync and share capabilities required by enterprise customers. Terms of the transaction were not …

SaaSID launches Cloud Application Manager

SaaSID unveiled Cloud Application Manager (CAM), security software that provides single sign on (SSO), application shaping and auditing of any applications accessed using a …

High Performance MySQL

High Performance MySQL teaches you advanced techniques in depth so you can bring out MySQL’s full power. Learn how to design schemas, indexes, queries, and advanced …

Nmap 6 released

Nmap is a free and open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the …

Bogus Facebook apps could lead to Android malware

Bitdefender researchers have recently spotted something that could be the beginning of paid promotions through Facebook, and believe that the approach can very easily be used …

Instant decryption of MS Office 2010 documents now possible

Passware announced Passware Kit Forensic 11.7, which includes live memory analysis and subsequent decryption of MS Word or Excel 2007-2010 files. In addition, the new version …

Mistakes that led to the massive Utah data breach

A little over a month ago, the largest data breach in Utah history resulted in the compromise of Social Security numbers of some 280,000 Medicaid and Children’s Health …

Fake BBC website serves malware and a scam

Online scammers and malware peddlers know that the more afraid and desperate their targets are, the more likely it is that they will fall for their tactics, so their repeated …

Policy-based automation of storage provisioning

iWave Software announced iWave Storage Automator version 6, a storage automation software product that lets enterprise IT organizations and service providers deliver Storage …

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