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What’s new in ISO 22301: How to make a transition from BS 25999-2

Currently there are many business continuity frameworks and standards around the world, but none of them have really taken the dominant position. ISO 22301 will probably …

Trojan spyware promoted as Steam keygen

Scouring the Web for “legitimate” key generators, or keygens, is a risky business at the best of times. We make it a point that whoever the source is must have …

Facebook Timeline Remover is still alive

You may have seen reports of a Facebook themed “remove my timeline” scam, where users are asked to install a browser extension to roll Facebook back to the way it …

New Android Trojan likely developed by arrested cyber crooks

The alleged authors of Foncy, a premium rate SMS Trojan that targeted users from a number of European Countries and Canada, have been arrested and indicted in February in …

Google Apps earns ISO 27001 certification

Google has announced that its Google Apps for Business productivity suite has earned the ISO 27001 certification. “ISO 27001 is one of the most widely recognized, …

Monitoring employee behavior in digital environments is rising

Monitoring employee behavior in digital environments is on the rise, with 60 percent of corporations expected to implement formal programs for monitoring external social media …

Database security and SIEM are top priorities

Database security and SIEM are among the top priorities due to increased advanced persistent threats, according to McAfee. Database security has been an ongoing concern for …

Scammers working harder to fool consumers

The number of unique phishing reports submitted to the APWG rose substantially from early fall through the end of the year, while cybercrime gangs were apparently forced to …

Cyber Security Policy Guidebook

Drawing upon a wealth of experience from academia, industry, and government service, Cyber Security Policy Guidebook details and dissects, in simple language, current …

New cyber weapon targets systems in the Middle East

A new sophisticated piece of malware dubbed “Flame” has been discovered in systems belonging to users in many Middle Eastern countries and is though to have been …

Olympic-themed spam emails carries malicious PDF

As the 2012 Olympic Games are speedily approaching, users should be aware of the fact that unsolicited Olympic-themed emails are rarely good news. The latest one of that kind …

RuFraud scammers caught and fined

Cyber scammers are still too rarely brought to justice and/or made to pay back the stolen money to the users they have swindled, so any news of that happening is extremely …

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