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Fake Craigslist notifications lead to exploit kit

Emails purportedly sent by Craigslist have been hitting users’ inboxes and trying to get them to follow the offered link to a website hosting the Blackhole exploit kit, …

Microsoft to release seven bulletins next week

The Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for June 2012 lists seven bulletins, three of which are rated “critical” and four “important.” The …

Security Metrics, A Beginner’s Guide

Learn how to communicate the value of an information security program, enable investment planning and decision making, and drive necessary change to improve the security of … confirms password leak

And makes three. Following the revelations that the data leaked by an unknown individual on a Russian forum contained user passwords for business social network …

Android spying app masquerades as Gmail

A new piece of Android malware that has recently been unearthed by NQ Mobile researchers is capable of logging text messages and phone calls, as well as record them, and send …

The ramifications of the LinkedIn password leak

LinkedIn has finally confirmed that some of the passwords that were leaked yesterday correspond to LinkedIn accounts, and has issued a list of steps that they are taking in …

Over 50% use unauthorized file sharing apps at work

While BYOD and free, cloud-based file-sharing is on the rise, IT administrators are largely unable to police the use of these tools within their organizations, according to …

eHarmony confirms leak of their users’ passwords

News that an unknown individual leaked what appeared to be a batch of 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords on a Russian forum and asked for help in decrypting them spread like fire …

The rise of Tumblr and Google Play spam campaigns

In May, GFI threat researchers observed a number of attacks focused on Tumblr users including two spam campaigns centred around a fake “Tumblr Dating Game” which …

People would rather lose their wallet than their phone

People would prefer to lose the contents of their wallets than their mobile phones. A SecurEnvoy study asked what people would most fear losing from their back pocket – …

Damballa enhances cyber threat protection for ISPs

Damballa announced general availability of CSP 1.7, a cyber threat solution for ISPs and telecommunications providers that detects subscriber malware infections by monitoring …

Gaps in anti-bribery compliance at multinational corporations

Despite a steady increase in Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigations and enforcements over the last several years, the majority of corporate compliance officers at …

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