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Diablo 3 real-money auctions accessible only with authenticator

It seems that the long awaited Diablo 3 real-money auction house will finally become a reality, as Blizzard has changed its Terms of Use to make all players who want to access …

Five IT security threats and how to combat them

Faced with external security threats from hackers and others, along with a growing array of even more dangerous internal security threats, companies worldwide are feeling the …

Static analysis technology for web application security

Coverity has extended static analysis to deeply understand both source code and modern web application architecture, providing greater accuracy and remediation guidance to …

Fake Amazon email leads to exploit kit

Fake Amazon order confirmations are hitting inboxes and trying to trick recipients into following any of the links to a page serving the Blackhole exploit kit. The email looks …

Mobile workspace offers a secure Windows OS on any computer

Imation announced Stealth Zone 2.1 boot-from-USB secure mobile workspace. This new version enhances data security by making it easier and more convenient for business …

McAfee enhances its cloud security platform

The McAfee Cloud Security Platform provides a framework that allows organizations to extend their security and policy enforcement into the cloud by securing the three primary …

World’s first secure private mobile carrier

New revelations about abuses by social networks and search giants are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to security threats today. Not only are these organizations …

Create secure web applications with Sentinel Source

WhiteHat Security announced Sentinel Source, a solution for creating secure online applications from inception to launch. With the ability to track source code development for …

Manage, secure and support mobile users

Unisys announced its Mobility Solutions Suite of services designed to help organizations manage, secure and support mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets – as …

Lancope unveils new StealthWatch threat intelligence dashboards

Lancope announced that its StealthWatch System now includes four new dashboards for viewing threat intelligence surrounding network reconnaissance, internal malware …

Flame and Stuxnet are linked, say researchers

Kaspersky Lab researchers who have been rooting into the code of the Flame toolkit since its discovery believe to have unearthed definitive proof that, at one point in time, …

MySQL flaw allows attackers to easily connect to server

A simple but serious MySQL and MariaDB authentication bypass flaw has been revealed by MariaDB security coordinator Sergei Golubchik, and exploits targeting it have already …

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