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8.2 million Gamigo passwords leaked

When German gaming website Gamigo was breached in February this year, they reacted by sharing the fact with their users, warning that user information such as usernames and …

Bogus “Booking Confirmation” emails lead to malware is a well-known and very helpful website for those looking for deals when planning their travels, but if you’re a habitual user, be wary of malicious emails …

Kaspersky Security for Mac combats emerging threats

Kaspersky Lab released Kaspersky Security for Mac, a security solution designed to protect the Mac OS X environment from all kinds of threats, combining traditional security …

Record number of phishing websites in the wild

The number of brands targeting by phishing attacks sustained an all-time high of 382 in February and March, while cybercrime gangs deployed a record number of phishing …

67,000 phones to be lost or stolen during the Olympics

Numbers of smartphones and other portable networked devices have exploded over the past few years. As a result, this year’s Games will see the largest-ever risk of …

Netgear eliminates WiFi dead spots

Netgear announced the WiFi Booster for Mobile (WN1000RP). It amplifies WiFi coverage for mobile devices in the home by extending and strengthening an existing WiFi signal, …

SaaS web application security scanning from NT OBJECTives

NT OBJECTives announced NTOSpider On-Demand, a cloud-based service enables organizations to scan thousands of applications while controlling scanning costs and optimizing …

Free advanced evasion technique testing software

Stonesoft released Evader, the first software-based testing tool that empowers organizations to test their network security solutions’ ability to withstand advanced …

Penetration testing tool masquerades as surge protector

In the same way that a hardware keylogger may remain undetected by office workers, Power Pwn – a newly created piece of hardware resembling a power strip or surge …

Dropbox says there is no evidence of breach, continues investigating

Last week European Dropbox users began receiving spam emails advertising gambling websites, and given that many of them received it on unique email address created for the …

Fake Intuit emails lead to malware

Emails purportedly sent by US tax preparation software and services company Intuit and professional social network LinkedIn have been hitting inboxes in the last week, posing …

Open source smart meter hacking framework released

SecureState announced the release of the full open source code of Termineter, a framework that allows users to assess the security of Smart Meter utility meters over the …

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