Deep Freeze 7.5 released
Faronics released Deep Freeze 7.5, which provides full workstation protection by “freezing’ the computer’s configuration and preventing accidental or …
SANS announces line-up for digital forensics event
SANS Institute has announced its roster of speakers presenting at the 3rd annual European Digital Forensics and Incident Response Summit (DFIR) in Prague on the 7th of …
British public unaware of cyber sporting scams
Watching this summer’s sporting escapades is something most of us will relish, but are we taking the right precautions to protect our electronic devices from the …
Researcher releases tool for cracking MS-CHAPv2, PPTP no longer secure
Moxie Marlinspike, the mind behind the Convergence SSL authenticity system, has presented at Defcon a tool that allows attackers to crack the MS-CHAPv2 authentication …
“Groupon discount gifts” email leads to malware
Spam emails targeting users on the lookout for good deals have been hitting inboxes around the world, Sophos warns. The email purportedly comes from Groupon, the popular …
Is Ubisoft’s DRM browser plugin a rootkit?
An offhand remark made by Google engineer Tavis Ormandy to a post on the Full Disclosure mailing list has sparked anger in the harts of Ubisoft users, as he shared his …
Researcher demonstrates highly persistent hardware backdoor
Spurred by the conclusion of a recent report that said that given the fact that China is the de-facto manufacturer of most IT equipment in the world, it could easily backdoor …
Sophos releases free anti-virus app for Android
Sophos announced Sophos Mobile Security, a free lightweight anti-virus app that protects Android devices against malware, privacy issues and hardware loss – without …
Email from disgruntled buyer leads to eBay phishing page
In these hard economic times, many have turned to eBay for selling things in order to earn a buck. But, in order to be trusted by buyers, the sellers depend on good ratings …
1,500 severe security events detected on Black Hat WLAN
The WLAN network at Black Hat was accessed by 3,155 attendees with a maximum of 904 simultaneous clients, detected and quickly contained a total of 1,561 severe independent …
Tumblr and Twitter users targeted with oddball spam messages
A bizarre spam campaign touting free McDonalds gift cards has recently been spotted on compromised Tumblr and Twitter accounts: According to GFI, the link included in the spam …
Wargame examines the future of US infrastructure
Booz Allen Hamilton concluded the first-ever wargame simulation examining creative infrastructure initiatives and solutions that factor in US transportation needs by the year …