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Security Automation Essentials

Security Automation Essentials lays out comprehensive technical, administrative, and operational strategies for security management. Discover how to define baseline …

DDoS attacks aimed at telecom systems are on the rise

DDoS attacks are usually seen as the domain of hacktivists and hackers looking to block – then blackmail – companies that are heavily dependent on their Internet …

Application recovery challenges and how to address them

In response to such trends as growth of mission-critical data, the proliferation of virtualization and cloud within the data center, and the erosion of organizational …

Bogus “Your eBay funds are cleared” email leads to exploits

Following the email supposedly sent by an unsatisfied customer, eBay sellers are targeted by scammers once again. While the first email threatened with negative feedback, this …

Dropbox confirms hack, announces 2-factor authentication

After weeks of investigating how it came about that a sizable number of its European users began receiving spam advertising gambling websites to dedicated (and not) email …

First SSDs with AES 256-bit hardware encryption

Memory and storage specialist Integral has launched Crypto SSD, its first range of SSDs to feature military-level, AES 256-bit hardware encryption. The new drives offer …

Risky password habit exposed

Over 70% of online users memorize the passwords they use to access secure websites rather than record them on paper or digitally according to a recent survey conducted by …

Fake Lloyds TSB emails lead to phishing

An email supposedly coming from UK retail bank Lloyds TSB is doing rounds, trying to trick recipients into following the embedded link to a malicious page: The email claims …

Insider threat in financial services sector

When it comes to preventing insider fraud, financial organizations would do well to more closely monitor experienced, mid-level employees with years on the job, according to a …

Fake products pose real dangers

It’s no surprise that many high-end luxury items, such as handbags and watches, have had its share of knock-offs over the years, mainly because they’re often …

O2 users targeted with phishing emails offering vouchers

Following the bogus “account security update” emails sent out earlier this month after the UK-wide O2 mobile network failure, its users are again targeted with …

IBM appliance controls social media risks

IBM announced a new class of network security appliance that delivers a more granular view of a company’s security posture and a simplified security management …

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