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BackTrack 5 R3 released

BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to …

Imation updates line of hardware encrypted USB hard drives

Imation announced the expansion of its secure USB hard drive line with capacities of up to 1 terabyte (TB), optional biometric fingerprint authentication, and a set of options …

Facebook deceived developers and users with Verified Apps program

The privacy settlement that the US Federal Trade Commission and Facebook agreed on last November has been finalized on Friday and, unlike Google earlier that week, Facebook …

BYOD reality: Missing mobile device usage policies

Gone are the days when employees only used a company-issued phone or laptop for work. Today, employees bring personal smartphones and tablets to the office and often have …

Citadel Trojan targets airport employees with VPN attack

Trusteer have recently discovered a sophisticated Man in the Browser (MitB) enterprise attack that targets VPN users at a major international airport hub. Using the Citadel …

Sophos helps businesses embrace BYOD

Sophos announced the latest version of its mobile device management (MDM) solution, Sophos Mobile Control 2.5. With an updated web-based administrative console and new feature …

Tips for college students to deter identity theft

Research from Javelin Research & Strategy identifies 18-24 year olds as consumers who are most likely to engage in risky electronic behavior. From public Wi-Fi through …

Behavior-based fraud prevention for ACH transactions

Guardian Analytics announced FraudMAP ACH. Using the same behavior-based anomaly detection technology proven to prevent fraud at hundreds of banks and credit unions in the …

What’s so special about Gauss?

Kaspersky Lab experts have recently notified the world of the existence of another piece of malware that seems to have come from the same workshop(s) that pushed out Stuxnet, …

Microsoft and NYPD unveil new centralized surveillance system

New York City and Microsoft have joined forces and developed a new computer system that aggregates and analyzes the information gathered through a number of public safety data …

Scientists create algorithm for tracking down sources of online attacks

One of the problems when it comes to catching online criminals of any kind is the fact that it is often extremely difficult to pinpoint the origins of internet attacks – …

Bogus “MS Cyber-Crime Department” warnings lead to phishing

Emails purportedly sent by the Microsoft Cyber-Crime Department warning all Internet users that their email account may be deleted from the “world email server” …

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