Cloud-based management for self-encrypting drives
Wave Systems launched Wave Cloud, a cloud-based service for enterprise-wide management of self-encrypting drives (SEDs). The subscription-based service introduces a …
Sirefef infections explode due to new infection technique
The Sirefef/Zaccess family of Trojans – designed to download other malware, disable the machine’s security features, and often make lasting changes to the computer …
Google ups prizes in Chromium bug bounty program
Since a vulnerability rewards program for open source web browser project Chromium was instituted in early 2010, many vulnerabilities have been found and dealt with, and …
Malware-laden emails target hedge fund managers
A highly targeted spam campaign aimed at hedge and private equity fund managers has recently been spotted by Barracuda Labs researchers. The email looks like it has been …
Rackspace launches OpenStack-based private cloud
Rackspace released the Rackspace Private Cloud, powered by OpenStack – making it simple for companies to install, test and run a multi-node OpenStack based private cloud …
Recovery for Linux and UNIX systems
Storix announced System Backup Administrator (SBAdmin) version 8.1, which includes new features and enhancements to simplify system recovery. SBAdmin goes beyond just data …
Critical vulnerabilities in popular DDoS toolkit exposed
Prolexic Technologies exposed weaknesses in the command and control (C&C) architecture of the Dirt Jumper DDoS Toolkit family that could neutralize would-be attackers. …
Organizations lack protocols to protect data in the cloud
While sixty-two percent of survey respondents are leveraging the cloud and/or virtualization, only 33 percent of these organizations test data recovery plans regularly to …
Huge jump in number of fines for data breaches
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has revealed a huge increase in the number of penalties handed out for organisations in breach of the Data Protection Act. …
Cyber-Ark enhances security of files in-transit
Cyber-Ark Software announced version 7 of its Sensitive Information Management Suite to support secure file exchange environments. The suite isolates sensitive data sent over …
Microsoft releases nine comprehensive security bulletins
Microsoft released nine comprehensive security bulletins as part of its regular update cycle. At the top of the Microsoft list is another MSCOMCTL related bug. Last patched in …
Website analyzes and rates convoluted Terms of Service
When signing up for an online service, users are required to read and agree to the presented Terms of Service (ToS). But these terms often go on and on, and are written in …