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Mozilla launches its privacy-friendly website login system

Remember Mozilla’s introduction of the BrowserID browser-based system for identifying and authenticating users? Well, the login system that was created a …

The economy behind ransomware attacks

First spotted in Russia in 2005, ransomware attacks have since spread to other countries – mainly those of the Western world – by using geo-location to target …

Concerns about employee privacy for BYOD exposed

Business users are alarmed about employers’ ability to access and collect personally identifiable information (PII) through mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads and …

Cloud Security Alliance releases new IAM guidance

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) announced that its Security as a Service (SecaaS) Working Group has completed its peer review process and has published implementation …

OpenStack Folsom adds network automation and Hyper-V support

OpenStack Folsom, the sixth release of the open source cloud computing platform, saw a 65 percent increase in contributors, as well as the addition of Networking and Block …

New cloud data protection guidelines

The Information Commissioner’s Office published guidelines that underline organisations’ sole responsibility for the protection of data, even if it has been …

Avira launches 2013 antivirus security software line

Avira announced the arrival of the Avira 2013 product line, which includes Avira Free Antivirus, Avira Antivirus Premium 2013, Avira Internet Security 2013, and Avira Internet …

Australian police disrupts sophisticated credit card fraud syndicate

A husband and wife were arrested today in Ryde, New South Wales, following what was dubbed as one of the most most serious identity crime investigations undertaken by the …

Samsung fixes Galaxy S3 bug, researchers offer fix for other phones

Given the amount of information we all keep on our smartphones, it’s no wonder that the recently demonstrated Samsung Galaxy S3 remote data-wipe hack has ruffled quite a …

Top 10 issues eroding cloud confidence

Findings from a joint Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and ISACA survey show that government regulations, exit strategies and international data privacy dominate the Top 10 areas …

Fake Visa/Mastercard “Security incident” notifications doing rounds

Bogus emails purportedly sent by the Visa/Mastercard “Identity Theft Department” are targeting the cards’ users by trying to convince them that a …

Analysis of nearly 1.7 billion shortened URL links

Web of Trust (WOT) completed an analysis of nearly 1.7 billion shortened URL links and found that the URL shortening services are often used to drive traffic to suspicious …

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