Massive growth in new ransomware, malware targeting Adobe Flash
“In the first quarter of 2015, McAfee Labs registered a 165 percent increase in new ransomware driven largely by the new, hard-to-detect CTB-Locker ransomware family, a …
On Windows 10, apps can actively defend users from malware
“With Windows 10, Microsoft will be adding a new layer of protection against dynamic script-based malware and non-traditional avenues of cyberattack: the Antimalware …
Kaspersky Lab reveals cyberattack on its corporate network
“In early spring 2015, Kaspersky Lab detected a cyber-intrusion affecting several of its internal systems. Following this finding the company launched an intensive …
90% of DLP violations occur in cloud storage apps
90 percent of data loss prevention (DLP) violations occur in cloud storage apps, and a large percentage of these are for enterprise confidential intellectual property or …
Users care about their privacy, but feel powerless to protect it
Users are resigned to the loss of privacy, but not because they feel they are getting good value for their data, but because they believe marketers will eventually get it …
iOS 9 will use 6-digit passcodes for enhanced protection
Among the improvements that Apple announced for iOS 9 on Monday, there are some security enhancements as well.The most important one is the switch from 4-digit to 6-digit …
What’s driving security budgets and technology purchases?
IT security and IT leaders and their staff members do not agree on security objectives, according to findings from a new global Ponemon study.One of the key findings from the …
IoT is full of gaping security holes, says Shodan creator
John Matherly’s Shodan, a search engine that finds Internet-connected devices, can be used for many things: gauging the impact of policies and network security efforts …
Social media security is still a low priority
80 percent of IT professionals believe social media is an easy way for hackers to gain access to corporate networks because it is often neglected in terms of security, and …
Entrust Datacard integrates with Citrix to enable secure anytime-anywhere productivity
Entrust Datacard is debuting new integrations with XenMobile, an enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution developed by Citrix, to provide a trusted mobile identity to …
Antiquated environment and bad security practices aided OPM hackers
By now, you’ve all heard about the massive breach at the US Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM), and that the attackers have accessed (and likely made off with) …
Most vulnerabilities on enterprise networks are two years old
The NTT Innovation Institute and NTT Group security combined an analysis of over six billion attacks observed in 2014 with an interactive data review and ongoing daily global …