Samsung disables Windows Update, undermines the security of your devices
Another example of how vendors sometimes choose to improve usability to the detriment of user security has been recently discovered by security researcher and Microsoft MVP …
Hackers are spending a huge amount of resources targeting financial services
Websense revealed a high degree of specialization among criminals attacking financial services, a huge investment in the lure attack phase and the specific and anomalous …
Businesses know about POS security risks, but are they investing wisely?
The majority of organizations have increased their POS security budgets during the last two years, but many of them are still using and investing in outdated technologies, …
Three simple ways to prevent a data breach
With methods of cybercrime rapidly evolving, the number of headline-making data breaches continues to grow. Unfortunately, it has become clear that even advanced security …
Why a Dyre infection leads to more than just stolen banking credentials
“The Dyre/Dyreza information-stealer has without a doubt filled the vacuum generated by the 2014 and 2015 law enforcement takedowns of botnet infrastructure of several …
The downfall of a major cybercrime ring exploiting banking Trojans
“A joint investigation team (JIT) consisting of investigators and judicial authorities from six different European countries, supported by Europol and Eurojust, has …
Deadly Windows, Reader font bugs can lead to full system compromise
“Even in 2015 – the era of high-quality mitigations and security mechanisms – one good bug still suffices for a complete system compromise,” Mateusz …
WikiLeaks publishes reports showing NSA spied on French presidents
WikiLeaks has published “Espionnage Élysée”, a set of intelligence reports and documents that show that the US NSA has, between 2006 and 2012, intercepted the …
Instapaper for Android vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks
Bitdefender researchers have discovered that Android app Instapaper is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks that could expose users’ signup/login credentials when logging …
Who fixes the most vulnerabilities?
Web and mobile applications produced or used by government organizations are more likely than those in other industries to fail standard security policies like the OWASP Top …
How lack of trust and limited knowledge impact your organization
There are significant gaps in cybersecurity knowledge, shared visibility and mutual trust between those who serve on organizations’ board of directors and IT security …
Six key facts about malicious macros and the cybercrime economy
“Cybercrime is big business and criminals are increasingly exploiting people to circumvent automated protection systems. Cybercriminals have, in the last nine months, …