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Week in review: TLS security, malicious Tor exit nodes, how to find a free, secure proxy service

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, podcasts, reviews and articles:Penetration Testing With Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi is a small and …

Why a low-level threat can open the door for serious infections

“A device hi-jacked for the purpose of conducting click-fraud can become a conduit for more serious malware such as ransomware. A Damballa study cited an example of how …

Update your Flash Player if you don’t want ransomware

“It didn’t take long for exploit kit authors to incorporate an exploit for the recently discovered zero-day Adobe Flash vulnerability (CVE-2015-3113) into their …

Researcher tests Tor exit nodes, finds not all operators can be trusted

While the Tor anonymity network conceals (relatively successfully) a user’s location and Internet activity from anyone who might want to know about it, users should be …

Vegan and BeEF clash shows how cyber arms race never stops

Cyber attackers and defenders are caught in a permanent to-and-fro dance, coming up with new solutions that break the last one created by their adversaries. An example of this …

Facebook slowly fine-tuning its popular ThreatExchange

Facebook’s ThreatExchange, which was unveiled this February, is apparently a hit with organizations, and they are vocal about the ways they believe it could be …

Cisco finds, removes more default SSH keys on its software

Cisco has pushed out security updates to address two vulnerabilities in its Web Security Virtual Appliance (WSAv), Email Security Virtual Appliance (ESAv), and Content …

How companies can regain consumer trust after a data breach

Americans have strong feelings about data breach notification, with 84 percent stating that the best way a company can regain their trust after a breach occurs is to notify …

Energy security pros: More competent, or just naive?

Energy security professionals are extremely confident in their ability to detect a cyberattack on critical systems, with 86 percent stating they could detect a breach in less …

How to survive a compliance audit

Ipswitch polled 313 IT professionals in United States with 59 percent noting that they were not fully prepared to undergo an audit. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents …

Expedia users targeted by phisher who gained access to their info

An unknown number of Expedia customers have been getting emails from the company, warning them about fraudulent emails or SMSes they might receive or might have already …

Nigerian scammers are stealing millions from businesses

When someone mentions advanced fee or romance scams most people immediately associate them with Nigerian scammers. But there is another type of scam that these fraudsters …

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