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Apple to introduce two-factor authentication option in iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan

Starting with OS X 10.11 (“El Capitan”) and iOS 9, Apple will introduce a two-factor authentication option that will replace the current two-step verification …

VMware fixes host privilege escalation bug in Workstation, Player, Horizon View

VMware has issued software updates for VMware Workstation, Player, and Horizon View Client for Windows, which fix relatively serious a host privilege escalation vulnerability …

Sensitive info of over 21.5M people, including SSNs and fingerprints, stolen in OPM hack

The US Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has revealed on Thursday the full extent of the information stolen in the two data breaches it suffered in 2014.In the first …

Naked pictures or financial info? Users would rather thieves stole the former

Every day it seems information security is ruling the headlines, Americans are (perhaps understandably) feeling insecure about the security of their financial information. In …

IIS 6.0 users are heading towards new security dangers

RiskIQ has discovered that 24 of the top 30 FTSE-listed companies in the UK are running web servers that will be out of support in less than a week, posing a potential …

FBI director insists Silicon Valley can solve the encryption dilemma – if they try hard enough

On Wednesday, the US Senate Judiciary Committee got to hear from FBI director James Comey and DOJ Deputy Attorney General Sally Quillian Yates on how end-to-end encryption …

Severe OpenSSL bug that allows certificate forgery has been plugged

The wait is over: the OpenSSL Project has issued security updates for the popular open-source implementation of the SSL and TLS protocols, and has shared some details about …

Cyber attack on US power grid could result in losses up to $1 trillion

When, on Wednesday, the New York Stock Exchange halted trading, The Wall Street Journal website went down, and United Airlines grounded flights – all practically at the …

Hacking Team’s Flash 0-day exploit used against Korean targets before it was leaked

The Adobe Flash zero-day (CVE-2015-5119) exploit found in the Hacking Team’s leaked data has already been added to several exploit kits, but Trend Micro researchers have …

Risk management programs lack maturity, new strategies needed

With cyber attacks and data security threats looming at insecure access points, the increased scrutiny of regulators and the focused attention of boards of directors, the …

Bitglass granted patent on searchable cloud encryption

Bitglass has been granted a patent for its searchable full-strength 256-bit AES encryption for cloud applications. The technology, covered by US Patent 9,047,480, is …

Popular Android games unmasked as phishing tools

“ESET researchers have discovered a new, ingenious, yet very simple Facebook phishing scheme: playable Android games that, before they are started, ask users to enter …

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