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Does your mobile carrier track you online?

At least nine mobile carriers around the world are using “supercookies” to track users’ web browsing, a study by human rights organization Access has …

Researcher releases exploit for OS X 0-day that gives root access

Italian security researcher Luca Todesco has published PoC exploit code for a newly discovered zero-day privilege escalation flaw affecting OS X Yosemite (v10.10) and …

How to sabotage DDoS-for-hire services?

We all know the damage that DDoS-for-hire services can inflict on websites and organizations behind them.What is less known is that a simple move like making PayPal seize the …

IBM is betting big on open source in the enterprise

IBM launched LinuxONE, a new portfolio of hardware, software and services solutions, providing two distinct Linux systems for large enterprises and mid-size businesses.The …

Sound-Proof: Two-factor authentication without user interaction

Reaping all the benefits of two-factor authentication without suffering the inconvenience that is usually attached to the option is something that many users dream about …

Five points of failure in recovering from an attack

An over emphasis on defense is leaving the financial sector exposed to cyber attack. An increase in threat levels has seen the sector bolster defenses by focusing on detection …

Privileged accounts are still easy to compromise

A Thycotic survey of 201 Black Hat USA 2015 attendees found that a majority (75%) have not seen a fundamental change in the level of difficulty in compromising privileged …

BitTorrent clients can be made to participate in high-volume DoS attacks

A group of researchers have discovered a new type of DoS attack that can be pulled off by a single attacker exploiting weaknesses in the BitTorrent protocol family.The …

Google plugs Google Admin app sandbox bypass 0-day

After having had some trouble with fixing a sandbox bypass vulnerability in the Google Admin Android app, the Google Security team has finally released on Friday an update …

Week in review: New C++ bugs, preventing insider threats, and gamifying threat detection

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, podcasts and articles:Redefining security visualization with Hollywood UI designMost security …

Researcher hacks house arrest tracking system

Tracking ankle bracelets that some criminals are forced to wear after being senteced to home detention can be hacked, allowing them to exit the house and go wherever they want …

Google’s Android Stagefright patch is flawed

The security update released by Google last week does not provide a complete defense against attackers taking advantage of the recently unearthed Stagefright Android …

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