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Signal for Android finally out, offers end-to-end encrypted calls and messages

Open Whisper Systems (formerly Whisper Systems) has finally released the Android version of its popular free, open source iOS app for end-to-end encrypted voice calls.Signal …

Open source KeeFarce tool loots encrypted passwords stored in KeePass

Denis Andzakovic, a hacker and researcher with New Zealand-based security consultancy, has released the source code for KeeFarce, a tool that can …

Security update kills several critical bugs in Android Marshmallow

Google’s November Android security update carries fixes for seven vulnerabilities, including two remote code execution flaws that are rated “critical” …

Chimera crypto-ransomware is hitting German companies

A new piece of crypto-ransomware is targeting German companies: it’s called Chimera, and the criminals behind the scheme are threatening to release sensitive corporate …

Stanford researchers identify potential security hole in genomic data-sharing network

Sharing genomic information among researchers is critical to the advance of biomedical research. Yet genomic data contains identifiable information and, in the wrong hands, …

The value in vulnerability management platforms

A study conducted by Forrester Consulting assessed IT decision makers’ satisfaction with their current vulnerability management platforms and the challenges companies …

The growth of mobile malware and online banking attacks

Kaspersky Lab explored the increase in mobile threats, malware attempts to steal from consumer online bank accounts and targeted cyberattacks in the evolving threat …

Researchers can identify people through walls by using wireless signals

Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have created a device that allows them to “see” what a person is doing and …

Hacking Team pitches encryption-cracking tools to US law enforcement

Hacking Team, the Italian company that provides offensive intrusion and surveillance software to governments, intelligence and law enforcement agencies, is back in the saddle, …

Nearly 2,000 Vodafone UK customers’ accounts compromised, blocked

Customers of another UK telecom have had their information compromised by hackers, as Vodafone has explained that it was “subject to an attempt to access some customers’ …

TalkTalk breach: Third arrest, data already for sale, criminals targeting pensioners

News about the TalkTalk breach and the investigation of it are coming fast and thick. After the arrests of two teens (one in Northern Ireland, the other from Feltham) believed …

Most consumers believe cloud-based apps can be hacked

Consumers often don’t realize that the applications they depend upon daily live in the cloud and therefore many may be unaware of the threat of breach to their personal data, …

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