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GPS faker software broadcasts spam across thousands of fake profiles

Different from traditional email spam, social spam can reach a large audience by nature of the platform and can appear trustworthy since it is coming from people in your …

IBM cloud tool enables privacy-preserving user authentication

Identity Mixer, a new tool to protect a consumer’s personally identifiable information, is now generally available on IBM Cloud. The tool is built on years of cryptography …

MagSpoof: A device that spoofs credit cards, disables chip-and-PIN protection

Hacker and security researcher Samy Kamkar, who’s noted for being the author of the first Web 2.0 worm, creating zombie cookies, and USBdriveby, has now come out with a …

Amazon resets customers’ potentially compromised passwords

Has Amazon suffered a breach? We won’t know for sure until the company offers more information.So far, we known only what users affected by the data theft/leak incident …

Another root CA cert with key found on Dell’s machines

The main piece of news on Monday was that Dell’s desktop PCs and laptops shipped since August 2015 contain a root CA certificate (eDellRoot) complete with the private …

IoT attacks and evasion techniques will characterize threats in 2016

As in years past, the Internet of Things and cloud play heavily in the predictions but new malicious tactics and strategies will create unique challenges for vendors and …

ModPOS: The most sophisticated POS malware to date

Elements of ModPOS date back as far as early 2012. It targeted US retailers in late 2013 and throughout 2014, and is expected to continue to do so in the future. According to …

Vonteera adware blocks AVs, can install uninstallable Chrome extensions

The Vonteera adware family has been around for quite some time, but it is now slowly starting to cross the line between unwanted, potentially malicious software to outright …

Five ransomware safety tips for online retailers

Cybercriminals have developed a destructive new form of ransomware that targets online retailers. They scan websites for common vulnerabilities and use them to install malware …

Remote working on the rise despite security concerns

Remote working is increasing in popularity as 96 percent of surveyed organisations now permit remote/mobile working, with 98 percent stating that it is advantageous to their …

Credential manager system used by Cisco, IBM, F5 has been breached

Pearson VUE, a provider of computer-based assessment testing for regulatory and certification boards, has announced that its Credential Manager system (PMC) has been …

Zero detection GlassRAT operated undetected for years

RSA Research has unearthed another Remote Access Tool/Trojan (RAT) used in cyber espionage campaigns. Dubbed GlassRAT, it has the usual capabilities of this type of malware: …

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