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New flash storage architecture capable of 1TB/s

Seagate and Newisys announced that 21 Newisys NSS-2601 with dual NSS-HWxEA Storage Server Modules deployed with Seagate’s SAS 1200.2 SSD drives can be combined in a single 42U …

Flaws in medical data management system can be exploited to modify patient information

Two vulnerabilities found in v3.3 of Epiphany’s Cardio Server ECG Management System, a popular system that is used to centralize and manage patient data by healthcare …

How Europol analyzes malware

In the wake of the takedown of a major cybercriminal group wielding banking Trojans in Ukraine in June this year, Europol noted that it “provided crucial support to the …

The privacy risks of school technology tools

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against Google for collecting and data mining school children’s personal …

Top 10 technology challenges for IT audit professionals

The top technology challenge faced by IT audit executives and professionals worldwide is to keep pace with emerging technology and infrastructure changes, including …

Belkin’s N150 router sports multiple flaws, including default access credentials for telnet server

Belkin’s SOHO routers are not exactly a paragon of a secure device, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that, once again, a security researcher has unearthed a …

Lack of visibility and security concerns hinder cloud adoption

When it comes to migrating to the cloud, 65% of companies are concerned with security and 40% worry about their loss of physical control over data in the cloud. In particular, …

Securing the smart home environment

Currently, smart home environments complement traditional home appliances with connected devices that collect, exchange and process data to create added-value services and …

Windows machines stop trusting Dell’s two unconstrained root CA certs

Microsoft has updated the Certificate Trust list for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows so that the two digital certificates (complete with inadvertently disclosed …

Revealed: What info the FBI can collect with a National Security Letter

After winning an eleven-year legal battle, Nicholas Merrill can finally tell the public how the FBI has secretly construed its authority to issue National Security Letters …

Hacktivists and cyber extortionists hit Greek, Russian, UAE banks

A number of “regular” and central banks across Europe, Russia and Asia have been targeted by cyber attackers.Last week, in the wake of Turkey downing a Russian …

VTech data breach gets worse: Children’s pictures and chat logs were also compromised

The hacker who breached VTech’s customer database and shared with the world the fact that the exploit was so easy anyone could do it (SQL injection), has found …

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