Threats to the critical information infrastructure on the rise
Citizens and businesses depend on information and communications infrastructure to support online critical services (e.g. energy, telecommunications, healthcare). Increased …

Magento plugs XSS holes that can lead to e-store hijacking, patch immediately!
Last week, Magento released a very important bundle of patches for their eponymous e-commerce platform that should be implemented as soon as possible. The bundle plugs a …

Data security advances on the corporate agenda
Glasswall Solutions issued its top five predictions for 2016. “We believe the next 12 months will see some of the most significant developments in the history of cyber …

The corporate risk factor disclosure landscape
Corporate risks disclosed by public companies in SEC filings often are generic and do not provide investors with clear, concise and insightful information that is …
Week in review: Rise of automation, Google hacking, and Symantec reseller turns to scamming
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, reviews and articles: “Deliberately hidden” backdoor found on US government’s …

“Deliberately hidden” backdoor found on US government’s comms system
Researchers from Austrian infosec outfit SEC Consult have unearthed what they dubbed a “deliberately hidden backdoor account” in NX-1200, a network controller …

Unknown attackers are infecting home routers via dating sites
Damballa researchers have spotted an active campaign aimed at infecting as many home routers possible with a worm. A variant of the TheMoon worm, it works by taking advantage …

Why we need a reality check on passwords
Given all the recent and historical news on data breaches of personal e-mail accounts, social media accounts and even phone account passwords, it is every wonder therefore …

Organizations are spending ineffectively to prevent data breaches
A new report by 451 Research, which polled 1,100 senior IT security executives at large enterprises worldwide, details rates of data breach and compliance failures, …

Security to become primary reason government agencies move to the cloud
Public cloud options now offer the scalability, computing power, storage and security to better enable digital government platforms and meet rising expectations for …

Cyber fraudsters steal over $50 million from airplane systems manufacturer
Austrian company FACC, which develops and produces components and systems made of composite materials for aircraft and aircraft engine manufacturers such as Boeing and Airbus, …

Fake Facebook emails deliver malware masquerading as audio message
A new spam campaign is targeting Facebook users. It uses the same approach as the recent one aimed at WhatsApp users, and Comodo researchers believe that the authors of both …