Phishing underground: Exploiting the human vulnerability
At the RSA Conference in San Francisco, PhishLabs exposed the murky evolution of a thriving, sophisticated phishing underworld. Their report is based on more than one million …

Are CIOs wasting millions on infosec that doesn’t work?
There’s overwhelming consensus among IT executives that the foundation of cybersecurity—cryptographic keys and digital certificates—is being left unprotected, leaving …

A mobile data breach could cost you $26.4 million
While data breaches make great headlines, what is often missing from those reports are the details on how the attackers got into the organization in the first place. Mobile …

The rise of polymorphic malware
97% of malware is unique to a specific endpoint, rendering signature-based security virtually useless. The data collected by Webroot throughout 2015 shows that today’s threats …

Week in review: Linux Mint hack, crypto ransomware hits hospitals, and educating policymakers on cybersecurity
Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Can poorly designed embedded devices kill? The industry is not taking safety and …

Protecting enterprise data centers from threats that target Linux servers
Today’s internet is largely powered by Linux servers, many of which have become the target of attackers looking to utilize this vast pool of resources for much larger and more …

ServiceNow reinvents security response
ServiceNow is extending its automation and orchestration expertise to transform the way organizations respond to threats. Security Operations gives both security and IT teams …

CyberCalifornia initiative to facilitate research and innovation
More than ever, California stands at the forefront of new technologies based on the Internet of Things (IoT). We are also increasingly vulnerable, a fact underscored by …

Crypto ransomware hits German hospitals
At least three hospitals in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia have been hit with crypto ransomware. One is Lukas Krankenhaus (Lukas Hospital) in Neuss, the second one …

Apple says DoJ’s request for iPhone unlocking is unconstitutional
Apple has filed a motion to vacate the earlier court order that would force them to help the FBI access the contents of the iPhone of the San Bernardino gunman by creating a …

Is zero-effort computer security a dream?
Researchers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Aalto University have found vulnerabilities in a recently proposed user-verification security system for …

Can poorly designed embedded devices kill?
The industry is not taking safety and security seriously enough, according to the Barr Group, who conducted a survey to better understand the state of safety- and …
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- Building cyber resilience in banking: Expert insights on strategy, risk, and regulation
- CISO vs. CIO: Where security and IT leadership clash (and how to fix it)
- Why a push for encryption backdoors is a global security risk
- Innovation vs. security: Managing shadow AI risks
- Commix: Open-source OS command injection exploitation tool