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Sophisticated threats dictate future response strategies

Trend Micro released its annual security roundup report which dissects the most significant security incidents from 2015. The research confirms attackers are now bolder, …

Seagate SSD
New Seagate 10GB/s SSD drive ideal for hyperscale data centers

Seagate unveiled a production-ready unit of the fastest single SSD demonstrated to date, with throughput performance of 10 GB/s. The unit, which is expected to be released …

Dell open sources DCEPT, a honeypot tool for detecting network intrusions

Dell SecureWorks researchers have developed a tool that allows Windows system administrators to detect network intrusion attempts and pinpoint them to the original source …

Google plugs 19 holes in newest Android security update

In the March 2016 security update for the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), Google has fixed 19 security issues, seven of which are considered to be critical. Among these, …

Reactions to the KeRanger ransomware for Macs

Palo Alto researchers have discovered the first fully functional ransomware aimed at Mac users. The malware, dubbed KeRanger, has been found bundled into the Mac version of …

Google open sources vendor security review tool

Google has open sourced its Vendor Security Assessment Questionnaire (VSAQ) Framework with the hope that other companies and developers could use it to improve their vendor …

IoT adoption is driving the use of Platform as a Service

The widespread adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) is driving platform as a service (PaaS) utilization. Gartner predicts that, by 2020, more than 50 percent of all new …

Anomali threat intelligence
Making sense of threat intelligence data in your IT environment

Threat intelligence data has been growing at an exponential rate of 39% a month. Enterprise customers are looking at around 30,000 events going into their SIEM every second. …

Phishers successfully tricking payroll pros into sharing employee data

In February, the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a warning about a 400 percent surge in tax related phishing and malware incidents. The alert said that the most …

mobile fingerprint hack
Hack a mobile phone’s fingerprint sensor in 15 minutes

Two researchers from Michigan State University’s biometrics group have devised a method for hacking mobile phone’s fingerprint authentication by using just a color …

Popular WordPress plugin opens backdoor, steals user credentials

If you are one of the 10,000+ users of the Custom Content Type Manager (CCTM) WordPress plugin, consider your site to be compromised and proceed to clean your installation up, …

Business ideas
UK businesses fail at security awareness

UK organizations are putting their reputation, customer trust and competitive advantage at greater risk by failing to provide their staff with effective security awareness and …

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