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Has your network been compromised? Use RITA to find out

Have you heard about RITA? Real Intelligence Threat Analysis is a an open source tool – a framework, actually – aimed at helping organizations find malicious …

Critical bug in libotr could open users of ChatSecure, Adium, Pidgin to compromise

A vulnerability in “libotr,” the C code implementation of the Off-the-Record (OTR) protocol that is used in many secure instant messengers such as ChatSecure, …

cloud computing
Cloud computing: Security and evolution

What we’ve seen in the past 15 years is cloud computing becoming increasingly popular. Many companies have focused plenty of resources in making cloud computing the most …

Biometric tech uses sound to distinguish ear cavity shape

NEC is developing a new biometric personal identification technology that uses the resonation of sound determined by the shape of human ear cavities to distinguish …

Web application scanning with Htcap

Htcap is a free web application scanner that can crawl single page applications in a recursive manner by intercepting Ajax calls and DOM changes. The app is focused mainly on …

How cybercriminals evade detection

A new report by Damballa highlights not only how cybercriminals can stay under the radar for long periods of time, but also the need for enterprises to reassess existing …

MariaDB Enterprise: Security at every level in the database

MariaDB announced MariaDB Enterprise Spring 2016. New capabilities defend data against application and network-level attacks, support faster development of high-performance …

Telematics Gateway Unit
Hacking Internet-connected trucks and buses

Among the things one can find with Shodan, the search engine for the Internet of Things, are trucks, buses and delivery vans that have been equipped with the Telematics …

KeRanger Mac ransomware is a rewrite of Linux Encoder

KeRanger, the recently discovered first functional Mac ransomware, is a copy of Linux Encoder, the crypto-ransomware first unearthed and analyzed in November 2015 by Dr. Web …

Innovation Sandbox and the modern threat landscape

In this podcast, recorded at RSA Conference 2016, Ajay Arora, CEO at Vera, and Amir Ben-Efraim, CEO at Menlo Security, discuss their participation in the Innovation Sandbox …

Power lines
OnionDog APT targets the infrastructure industry

The Helios Team at 360 SkyEye Labs revealed that a group named OnionDog has been infiltrating and stealing information from the energy, transportation and other infrastructure …

Submissions open for CommSec Track at HITBSecConf Amsterdam

Alongside HITB2016AMS’s CommSec Exhibition Village there will be a separate CommSec Track (26 – 27 May). Hackers, makers, builders and breakers are invited to send …

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