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25,000-strong CCTV botnet used for crippling DDoS attacks

A DDoS attack against a jewelry shop website has lead researchers to the discovery of a CCTV botnet comprised of some 25,000 cameras from around the globe. The website had …

Android-rooting malware lurking on Google Play

For a while now Android-rooting malware has been creeping in Google’s Play store. The latest instance, discovered by Lookout researchers, masquerades as LevelDropper, an …

Cyber threats today: Significant and diverse

Insider data theft and malware attacks top the list of the most significant concerns for enterprise security executives, according to Accenture. Of those surveyed, 69 percent …

Cloud Signature Consortium
Building a new open standard for cloud-based digital signatures

On July 1, 2016, a new European Union signature regulation (eIDAS) will go into effect, helping pave the way for global adoption of secure digital signatures. Aligned with …

UK map
UK banking customers targeted with Retefe Trojan with MitM capabilities

UK users are the latest targets of cyber crooks leveraging the Retefe banking Trojan and a rogue root certificate. The malware is out to steal online banking credentials of …

uber bugs
14 bugs in Uber’s assets revealed sensitive info about drivers, riders

Researchers from consulting and technological audit outfit Integrity have discovered 14 bugs in a variety of Uber’s websites and mobile apps, most of which could reveal …

NASCAR team falls victim to ransomware, pays ransom

Most US businesses would perhaps not pay in the event of a ransomware attack, but Circle-Sport Leavine Family Racing (CSLFR), a professional NASCAR car racing team, is not one …

cloud binary
Cloud security and data privacy laws

In this podcast recorded at Infosecurity Europe 2016, Willy Leichter, VP of Cloud Security at CipherCloud, talks about issues around cloud security and data privacy laws, and …

6 tips to prevent ransomware attacks

Hospital extortions, ransomware for Macs, and more – 2016 appears to be the year of ransomware. This malicious software allows attackers to access your computer, encrypt …

meeting room
How executives really feel about infosec reports

More than half of IT and security executives will lose their jobs as a result of failing to provide useful, actionable information. While the majority of board members say …

Google Chrome
Chrome vulnerability lets attackers steal movies from streaming services

A significant security vulnerability in Google technology that is supposed to protect videos streamed via Google Chrome has been discovered by researchers from the Ben-Gurion …

Week in review: Hackers targeting healthcare, new issue of (IN)SECURE

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Exfiltrating data from air-gapped computers by modulating fan speed For the last few …

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Cybersecurity news