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Aspen Mesh beta now available for microservice infrastructures

As companies move to a model where applications are continuously developed and deployed, they are leveraging microservices to build and manage them. However, this often adds …

Wipro and Alfresco expand partnership to offer open source based digital transformation capabilities

Wipro Digital and Alfresco expanded global partnership to create, build and run open source based digital transformation programs for its clients, across the globe. The …

Venafi and DigiCert machine identity protection partnership delivers new solution for enterprise PKI

Venafi and DigiCert unveiled a new integration that simplifies and automates complex machine identity programs for the demanding, security-conscious organizations. The …

Karamba Security collaborates with Ficosa to secure smart mobility against cyberattacks

Karamba Security revealed that Ficosa is partnering with Karamba Security to harden its Telematics Control Unit (TCU) and keep vehicles protected from cyberattacks when …

Asia’s digital ID technology developments gain pace

The recent spate of data breaches—including a flaw in Google+ that led to its shutdown and the reported hacking of 120 million Facebook users’ data—have highlighted the abuse …

Symantec unveils neural network to protect critical infrastructure from cyber warfare

Symantec introduced Industrial Control System Protection (ICSP) Neural, the neural network-integrated USB scanning station that helps organizations protect infrastructure by …

Mastercard and Microsoft join forces to advance digital identity innovations

Currently, verifying your identity online is still dependent on physical or digital proof managed by a central party, whether it’s your passport number, your proof of address, …

DataStax announces DataStax Enterprise 6.7

DataStax released DataStax Enterprise 6.7 (DSE 6.7). DSE 6.7 delivers the distribution of Apache Cassandra with multi-workload support for operational analytics, geospatial …

Oculeus launches new real-time telecoms fraud protection service

Oculeus revealed that the company has launched Oculeus-Protect, a new real-time telecoms fraud protection service for enterprises. Oculeus-Protect is a cloud-based service …

Immuta accelerates enterprise cloud data science adoption, reduces risk, and can lower costs

Immuta unveiled new features that can reduce the cost and risk of running data science programs in the cloud. The company also announced the creation of a new business unit …

Vereign offers the blockchain-powered solution for email security

Vereign is launching its beta. Vereign’s browser plugin enables a security overlay in email clients, office programs, chat apps, and more, that brings confidentiality and …

HackerOne expands Hacker101 web training platform with HackEDU partnership

HackerOne has expanded its online hacker training program, Hacker101 through a partnership with cybersecurity training company HackEDU. Hacker101 is giving away the sandboxed …

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