
Backdooring connected cars for covert remote control
We’ve all known for a while now that the security of connected cars leaves a lot to be desired. The latest proof of that sad state of affairs comes from Argentinian …

Tackling the insider threat: Where to start?
Many organizations still believe the definition of an insider threat is limited to a rogue employee purposefully leaking embarrassing information, or nuking a couple of …

How cybercriminals abuse the travel and hospitality industry
The travel and hospitality industry suffers billions of losses each year due to fraud. “With the right combination of other underground services (compromised accounts, …

Let no endpoint go dark
The compromise of a single enterprise endpoint can ultimately lead to a wider security incident, ransomware outbreak, data breach, costly remediation and rebuilding of lost …

Richard Ford: A physicist’s strange journey to become an infosec scientist
Many of today’s information security professionals started their path towards a career in the industry by becoming frustrated gamers. Richard Ford, Chief Scientist at …

Chris Eng: An infosec journey from offense to defense
“Come to my lab, I promise you’ll learn something cool,” a friend told Chris Eng. Within a couple of hours, he had walked him through writing an exploit for …

The impact of threat hunting on your security operations
The main goal of threat hunting is to find traces attackers have left behind in the organization’s IT environment. These traces can date back to already solved crises or …

Laying the foundation for a proactive SOC
Most companies are trying to shift their Security Operations Center (SOC) from a reactive to a proactive posture. To do that, the analysts’ reaction to security events …

Why end-to-end encryption is about more than just privacy
The question of whether regular people need end-to-end encryption will surely be debated for quite some time. But for Alan Duric, CEO and co-founder of Wire, the question can …

KPN CISO paints a greater security picture
Being the CISO of such a huge and diverse company as KPN, the Netherlands’ largest telecom and ISP provider, requires great determination, and the current holder of the …

Getting a start on cyber threat hunting
In this age of advanced persistent threats, waiting for traditional threat management solutions like IDS and SIEM to flag incidents and threats is simply not enough anymore. …

Learning from success: Brian Honan’s infosec journey
When Brian Honan started his information security consultancy thirteen years ago, most of his conversations were with those in charge of IT and/or IT security within an …