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mobile security
How do I select a mobile security solution for my business?

The percentage of companies admitting to suffering a mobile-related compromise has grown, despite a higher percentage of organizations deciding not to sacrifice the security …

How to secure software in a DevOps world

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the world has made a growing number of people realize how many of our everyday activities depend on software. We increasingly work, …

Keep remote workers and their devices secure with one click

In this interview for Help Net Security, Shailesh Athalye, VP Compliance at Qualys, discusses cloud-based Remote Endpoint Protection and illustrates how security teams can …

Building relationships: The key to becoming a true cybersecurity leader

Slowly but surely, organizations are starting to view information security as a business problem, not an IT problem, and as everybody’s responsibility. “The CISO …

security awareness
How do I select a security awareness solution for my business?

“Great security awareness training, that is part of a healthy cyber security culture and that is aimed at encouraging positive security behaviours, is essential. The …

5G adoption, security and worldwide market trends

With 5G adoption ramping up all over the world, we sat down with Chris Pearson, President of 5G Americas, to learn more about the current 5G landscape. 5G Americas is an …

How do I select a backup solution for my business?

42% of companies experienced a data loss event that resulted in downtime last year. That high number is likely caused by the fact that while nearly 90% are backing up the IT …

Redefining business for a digital world with smart security decisions

Kurt John is Chief Cybersecurity Officer of Siemens USA, where he is responsible for the information security strategy, governance and implementation for the company’s largest …

virtual event
Is the future of information security and tech conferences virtual?

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes to our personal and work lives. Among the latter are the forced work from home shift and the inability to travel far and …

Foiling content-borne attacks against a remote workforce

Opening a single email with a malicious URL or attachment can threaten your organization. In this interview, Liron Barak, CEO at BitDam, discusses the cybersecurity issue …

connected car
Are we doing enough to protect connected cars?

Even though connected cars should meet the highest level of security, safety, and performance, we know this is not always the case. In this interview, Moshe Shlisel, CEO at …

bug hunting
Full-time bug hunting: Pros and cons of an emerging career

Being a bug hunter who discloses their discoveries to vendors (as opposed to selling the information to the highest bidder) has been and is an ambition of many ethical …

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