
How do I select a network monitoring solution for my business?
A recent report predicts that home networks, remote working software and cloud systems will be at the center of a new wave of attacks in 2021. Cybercriminals in 2021 will …

Tips for boosting the “Sec” part of DevSecOps
The most significant barrier to achieving DevSecOps is the continued perception that “Sec” is not already a part of “Dev” and “Ops”, says James Arlen, CISO at cloud data …

How do I select a DRM solution for my business?
Digital rights management (DRM) is a method to protect copyrights for digital media. In a world where technology allows us to share and copy various media and files, it is …

Can we put a stop to cyber harassment?
Cyber harassment via social networks, media, and other online channels is an everyday reality for too many people, and the problem is getting worse. It might seem inevitable, …

How do I select a remote access solution for my business?
Protecting the remote workforce will be enterprises’ prime focus in 2021, according to a recent survey of IT leaders. IT teams struggled in the early days of the pandemic, …

How to motivate employees to take cybersecurity seriously
How can we push employees / users to take cybersecurity to heart? Dr. Maria Bada, external behavioral scientist at AwareGO, has been working on the answer for years. After …

How do I select a PAM solution for my business?
In order for organizations to prevent becoming the next victim of a breach due to unauthorized third-party user access, as has happened in prominent recent breaches, a strong …

Cybersecurity marketing: Always think of the customer
In early January, LogMeIn announced that Jamie Domenici will join the company as its new Chief Marketing Officer. Domenici is a cloud marketing veteran, and the majority of …

Zero trust: A solution to many cybersecurity problems
The SolarWinds hack and the never-ending stream of revelations about the attackers’ tools, techniques and other targets has been occupying the minds of CISOs and …

How do I select a data encryption solution for my business?
It is a mathematical certainty that data is more protected by communication products that provide end-to-end encryption (E2EE). Yet, many CISOs are required to prioritize …

How do I select a fraud detection solution for my business?
The rapid increase in digital use created a perfect storm for fraudsters to quickly find new ways to steal funds, capitalizing on consumers’ lack of familiarity with digital …

Securing the connected home: A joint task for homeowners and their ISP
As COVID-19 spread over the world and nations and businesses adapted to minimize citizens’ and employees’ personal interactions to help contain the infection, a …
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- CISOs, are your medical devices secure? Attackers are watching closely
- Cybersecurity classics: 10 books that shaped the industry
- NIST selects HQC as backup algorithm for post-quantum encryption
- NetBird: Open-source network security
- Burnout in cybersecurity: How CISOs can protect their teams (and themselves)