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Lisa Plaggemier
Helping users and organizations build an instinctive data privacy habit

Each year at the end of January, internet users are deluged with advice on how to keep their data protected and reclaim their online privacy. What started as Data Privacy Day …

Jeff Reich
Combining identity and security strategies to mitigate risks

Last week, the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), a nonprofit that provides vendor-neutral resources to help organizations reduce the risk of a breach by combining …

Joseph Cooper
Get hired in cybersecurity: Expert tips for job seekers

The dire shortage of information security experts has left organizations struggling to keep up with the growing demand for their skills. Still, getting a job in cybersecurity …

Luigi Lenguito
Can we predict cyber attacks? Bfore.AI says they can

Recently, at Cybertech Tel Aviv 2023, I met with Luigi Lenguito, CEO at Bfore.AI, who introduced me to their technology. In this Help Net Security interview, Lenguito talks …

Bill Tolson
While governments pass privacy laws, companies struggle to change

Government agencies keep making new privacy rules while end users fall victim to malpractice and scams. Bill Tolson, VP of Compliance and eDiscovery at Archive360, has spent …

DigiCert Trust Lifecycle Manager
DigiCert releases new unified approach to trust management

New solution brings together full stack of CA-agnostic certificate lifecycle management, PKI services and tightly integrated public trust issuance. We rarely consciously think …

Dimitri van Zantvliet
Mounting cybersecurity pressure is creating headaches in railway boardrooms

The expansion of potential cyber threats has increased due to the integration of connected devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the convergence of IT and OT in railway …

Daniel Spicer
ChatGPT is a bigger threat to cybersecurity than most realize

A language-generating AI model called ChatGPT, available for free, has taken the internet by storm. While AI has the potential to help IT and security teams become more …

Dritan Saliovski
How to tackle the cybersecurity skills shortage in the EU

The cybersecurity skills shortage is a global problem, but each region – including Europe or, more specifically, the EU – has distinct problems it has to tackle to …

Ante Jurjevic
BSidesZG 2023: Strengthening the infosec community in Croatia’s capital

In March 2023, Zagreb will be added to the (already long) list of cities where information security professionals and enthusiasts can share their knowledge with peers at a …

Google EU
Google is calling EU cybersecurity founders

Google announced that the Google for Startups Growth Academy: Cybersecurity program now accepts applications from EU companies. The three-month program, announced last fall, …

Chris Deibler
You must build a security team. Where do you start?

Security veteran Chris Deibler, the new VP of Security at DataGrail, has been brought in to build the company’s security team to support its growth. A former Director of …

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