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2021 will be the year of hybrid working: How can CTOs keep staff secure and productive?

In 2020, the pandemic was a radical turning point in the way we work. Office workers were forced to give up their commute and work from home. People from a whole range of …

Third-party risk management programs still largely a checkbox exercise

Enterprise third-party risk management (TPRM) programs have been around for a half-decade or longer, and at this point most large organizations run one. However, many of these …

U.S. municipalities are the perfect target for cybercriminals in 2021

On Feb 5th, 2021, a hacker gained remote access to a water treatment plant in Oldsmar, Florida, and was able to adjust the amount of sodium hydroxide in the water from 100 …

Physical cyber threats: What do criminals leave when they break in? 

Many organizations have maintained heavy investment in cybersecurity over the last year, even in an unpredictable time when other spending has faltered. Gartner estimates that …

Database encryption: Protecting the crown jewels

Databases are the lifeblood store of information for every organization. Without them, the organization’s efficiency, productivity and scope to prosper would be curtailed …

10 COVID-19-related lessons for future-ready cybersecurity

In 2020, we experienced wave after wave of COVID-19 surges and watched failure after failure at practicing what we knew were effective preventative measures. Similarly, in …

What behavioral experts can teach us about improving security

The “castle and moat” approach to protecting one’s domain was effective for centuries. At the start of the internet age, when a company’s greatest assets were physically …

Homomorphic encryption: Myths and misconceptions

One of the challenges with the current pace of innovation is deciphering what is real and what is vaporware. Most of us are understandably skeptical when we hear of technical …

Knowledge graphs: The secret of Google Search and now XDR

Wading through waves of alert noise to find real threats and manually connecting the dots to find context in real-time attacks are essential capabilities in today’s …

remote work
Enable secure remote workspaces without trashing your entire IT infrastructure

Roughly 12 months ago, when the world shifted seemingly overnight to work-from-home, few companies were well-positioned to seamlessly scale their remote work solutions. Legacy …

Why contextual machine learning is the fix that zero-trust email security needs

Email data breaches are on the rise. Our recent research found that 93% of organizations have experienced an email data breach in the last 12 months, at an average rate of one …

Have we put too much emphasis on protecting the network?

Recently, much of the cybersecurity commentary and blogs have talked about new approaches for protecting the network, especially beyond the perimeter. For the past few years, …

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