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Organizations suffer downtime despite following cybersecurity recommendations

Organizations continue to suffer downtime despite IT stacks equipped with all recommended cybersecurity technologies – including continuous data protection, anti-malware with …

How to avoid 4 common zero trust traps (including one that could cost you your job)

Formulated by a research analyst over a decade ago, the zero-trust security model was embraced by thought leaders. And when Google, with its unlimited budget and resources, …

identity theft
Stop using your employees as scapegoats: Change their behavior

Remote workforces pose new challenges for organizations, with the largest issue centered around fortifying the security of at-home workers. We’ve recently witnessed large …

Why certificate automation is no longer just “nice to have”

We’ve all heard the shocking stories about the outages at what should have been bullet-proof organizations like Microsoft, Spotify, and a California Covid-19 testing …

Using memory encryption in web applications to help reduce the risk of Spectre attacks

There’s nothing quite like an actual proof-of-concept to make everyone listen. I was pleased by the PoC released by Google security engineers Stephen Röttger and Artur Janc …

remote workforce protection
Hidden areas of security and the future of hybrid working

The pandemic has changed how many companies operate in a short period of time. Over the last year we’ve witnessed most organizations with office-based workforces having to …

What businesses need to know to evaluate partner cyber resilience

Many recent high-profile breaches have underscored two important cybersecurity lessons: the need for increased scrutiny in evaluating access and controls of partners handling …

Tackling cross-site request forgery (CSRF) on company websites

Everyone with half a mind for security will tell you not to click on links in emails, but few people can explain exactly why you shouldn’t do that (they will usually offer a …

Why DDI technology is fundamental for multicloud success

Whether they are handling new applications or managing workloads, cloud and multicloud technologies are critical components of the modern workplace. But the real value of …

fraud detection
How to stay ahead of the rise of synthetic fraud

While banks have been successful in reducing card fraud in recent years, a new and rising threat has emerged: synthetic identity fraud. By combining real and falsified …

The benefits and challenges of passwordless authentication

More and more organizations are adopting passwordless authentication. Gartner predicts that, by 2022, 60% of large and global enterprises as well as 90% of midsize enterprises …

The democratization of the workplace through edge computing

It’s been a year since we first learned about COVID-19, but the pressure on businesses to accelerate their digital transformation (DX) efforts has not abated. Of particular …

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