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threat modeling
What is threat modeling and why should you care?

While there is not one exact industry wide definition, threat modeling can be summarized as a practice to proactively analyze the cyber security posture of a system or system …

MythBusters: What pentesting is (and what it is not)

You’ve probably seen the term pentesting pop up in security research and articles, but do you know what it really means? Simply put, penetration testing is a security …

The next big thing in cloud computing? Shh… It’s confidential

The business-driven explosion of demand for cloud-based services has made the need to provide highly secure cloud computing more urgent. Many businesses that work with …

Managing and maturing Kubernetes security in the enterprise

The TL;DR version of the Infoworld article went something like this: “Companies are shying away from managing their own Kubernetes clusters and more and more, turning to …

Attackers can teach you to defend your organization against phishing

People click on links and attachments and will, unfortunately, keep clicking even if they should know better. They’ll click for the chance of winning a holiday, or even …

Avoid these CSPM mistakes to increase your cloud security posture

Are you utilizing your cloud services to their fullest? In other words, do you have a comprehensive picture of what’s in your cloud, who put it there, and whether or not it’s …

medical devices
Connected medical devices brought security loopholes mainstream

The increasing demand for self-health management, coupled with the digitalization of the modern healthcare ecosystem, translates into a medical connected devices market that …

Push past zero trust barriers to securely connect the distributed workforce

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that trusting a device simply because it originates from inside a corporate network is not a good idea. If an endpoint is …

Security research project: The easiest way to get “experience” and land a job in cybersecurity

Despite what you might have heard, there’s no shortage of people looking for jobs in cybersecurity. Every open position triggers stacks of resumes, but the challenge is …

Transitioning to a SASE architecture

There are several key points when contemplating a change in your security architecture. First, and foremost, there is still a security perimeter. The perimeter, however, is …

Pulse Secure
Critical infrastructure implications of the Pulse Secure multi-factor authentication bypass

The FireEye Mandiant team has discovered multiple threat actors exploiting a zero-day vulnerability in Pulse Secure VPN appliances. The attack infrastructure is very …

How micro-segmentation creates an uphill battle for intruders

The past few years have seen a major shift in security strategies from looking outward for external threats to detecting and defending against adversaries that have already …

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