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Finding the right mix: Leveraging policy and incentives to improve healthcare cybersecurity

When businesses are hit by a cyberattack, it can mean a disruption in operations, lost revenue and customer dissatisfaction because their personal information is exposed. But …

Bluetooth mesh
Digital key builds on past practices to create a more secure future

Too often, we assume that new technology replaces the old, but technology often builds off past generations, ideas, and success, rather than abandoning it altogether. Some …

For adapting to new cloud security threats, look to “old” technology

With remote work and reliance on cloud computing here to stay, it’s no surprise how many headlines there are to address the growing cloud security concerns in our industry. …

Five proven techniques for building effective fraud management

Effective management of fraud has long been a vital capability within organizations, and for good reasons. According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ …

Combating vulnerability fatigue with automated security validation

Security operations teams have been dealing with “alert fatigue” for far too long. The introduction of log monitoring (e.g., SIEM), firewall, and AV technologies over two …

How collaboration between IT pros and senior leaders could drive the future of risk mitigation

What is an acceptable level of risk for IT pros and their organizations? The answer to this question has changed in recent years, with the threat landscape shifting …

Today’s cars are mobile data centers, and that data needs to be protected

In a recent report, AlixPartners estimate that the global microchip shortage will cost car manufacturers $110 billion dollars in 2021, through the lost production of around …

How much trust should we place in the security of biometric data?

An increasing number of people around the world are being displaced by factors such as climate change, natural disasters, and wars. The people attempting to cross …

Ransomware attacks on the rise – How to counter them?

In June 2012, Deloitte conducted an online survey of 50 C-suite and other executives about cyber threat detection and response and found that almost 87% of the pollees …

To avoid cyberattacks, companies need to think like hackers

Companies are spending more than ever on cybersecurity but, despite a plethora of new security systems, they continue to be vulnerable to attacks, which are not only becoming …

The biggest problem with ransomware is not encryption, but credentials

With each passing day, the threat of ransomware increases in frequency, sophistication, and effectiveness. What started as a simple annoyance scheme to collect a ransom has …

insider threat
3 ways any company can guard against insider threats this October

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but most business leaders and consumers don’t need a special event to remember cybersecurity’s preeminence in today’s turbulent …

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