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Top 5 cybersecurity considerations for file uploads of vaccination records

As vaccination mandates become more common, immunization records are increasingly required across the world. Organizations are turning to the digital space to upload images of …

USA flag
An introduction to U.S. data compliance laws

Due to technological advances like the rise of cloud storage and social media, there is an increasing concern over privacy — especially when it comes to how businesses collect …

Lack of API visibility undermines basic principle of security

One of the oldest principles of security is that you cannot secure what you cannot see. Visibility has always been the starting place for monitoring and protecting attack …

Bots are lurking in your zombie and shadow APIs

By far this year’s biggest trend that we’ve observed in the land of APIs is that every organization has shadow and zombie APIs and they’re a much bigger issue than most people …

The six most common threats against the device that knows you best

What is the most intimate relationship in your life—aside from your partner, your children or your parents? For many of us, it’s our mobile phone. It’s the last thing we see …

tunnel light
Illuminating the path: Compliance as the key to security-by-design

Like taxes or going to the dentist, compliance is one of those topics that people often don’t like to contemplate. There are many reasons for the distaste but this …

Combating cybercrime: Lessons from a CIO and Marine veteran

A colleague asked me recently if I thought the FBI had finally experienced enough of the cyberattacks plaguing the United States and would now more aggressively pursue the …

We need a Cyber Awareness Century

For a generation of people that panic if they leave home without their phone or in the event of a social media outage, we are still very unequipped to handle the internet’s …

Operational technology and zero trust

Zero trust, otherwise known as zero trust architecture (ZTA), is a shift in the way we think about security. Zero trust is the concept of centralizing policy control, limiting …

When cybersecurity becomes terrifying

Some cybersecurity horror stories are not your typical horror stories: there’s no danger from a chainsaw-wielding maniac hiding behind a server rack, the Candyman won’t appear …

When it comes to securing systems against quantum computers, there is no one-size-fits-all solution

Quantum computers will rapidly solve complex mathematical problems. This includes the ability to break both RSA and ECC encryption in seconds. In response, NIST has been …

Leveraging social media background checks to balance friction and risk

With ecommerce revenues higher than ever and estimated to reach $4.89 million in 2021 (per eMarketer), cart abandonment continues to be a major pain point for the industry and …

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