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Using AI to reduce false positives in secrets scanners

As development environments grow more complex, applications increasingly communicate with many external services. When a software development project communicates with an …

No Excel
It’s time for security operations to ditch Excel

Security teams are hiding an embarrassing secret from the outside world: despite their position at the vanguard of technology, security risks and threats, their actual war …

A step-by-step plan for safe use of GenAI models for software development

If you are a large-scale company, the recent AI boom hasn’t escaped your notice. Today AI is assisting in a large array of development-related and digital-related tasks, from …

Securities and Exchange Commission
How to make sense of the new SEC cyber risk disclosure rules

SEC’s new cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident disclosure rules, which require increased transparency around cybersecurity incidents, have been in …

Balancing “super app” ambitions with privacy

When Elon Musk’s ambitions to transform X into an “everything app” were divulged last year, he joined several companies known to be exploring or actively working on developing …

Gmail & Yahoo DMARC rollout: When cyber compliance gives a competitive edge

The essence of cybersecurity is not just about defense but enabling business through trust and reliability. As Gmail and Yahoo take steps to enforce stricter email …

AI outsourcing: A strategic guide to managing third-party risks

In an era of artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionizing business practices, many companies are turning to third-party AI services for a competitive edge. However, this …

mental health
We can’t risk losing staff to alert fatigue

The oft-quoted Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu famously claimed: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Exchange …

patch tuesday
February 2024 Patch Tuesday forecast: Zero days are back and a new server too

UPDATE: February 13, 14:55 ET – February 2024 Patch Tuesday is live. January 2024 Patch Tuesday is behind us. A relatively light release from Microsoft with 39 CVEs …

cyber threat
10 tips for creating your security hackathon playbook

For more than 12 years, I’ve been organizing and running hackathons with the goal of finding security vulnerabilities and fixing them before a product hits the market. These …

3 ways to achieve crypto agility in a post-quantum world

Working at the speed of digital business is a constant challenge. But in today’s increasingly automated operational environment, crypto agility—i.e., an organization’s ability …

Migrating to the cloud: An overview of process and strategy

Over the next few years, the number of organizations navigating to the cloud to advance their business goals is expected to grow exponentially. According to Gartner, more than …

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