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Eight resolutions to help navigate the new hybrid office model

Continuous review and improvement are crucial for a successful security program. As this year draws to a close, it is a good time to look back on 2021 and prepare a few …

On-premises cloud: The worst of both worlds?

As 2022 begins, the demand for cloud-fueled IT services has reached an all-time high. Given the tumult of the past two years, it’s understandable that businesses should be …

6 cloud security trends to watch for in 2022

It’s fascinating to take a step back and look at how “the cloud” developed over the last two decades. There has been a lot of innovation that has sparked a new wave of …

January 2022 Patch Tuesday forecast: Old is new again

Welcome to 2022 and a new year of patch management excitement! I’m rapidly approaching 40 years working in this industry and I can honestly say there is rarely a dull day. If …

Supply chain cybersecurity: Pain or pleasure?

Whatever sector your business operates in, you will depend on third parties to provide you with goods and services to support what you do. Whether you are a small printing …

Network and security teams must collaborate to successfully deliver digital transformation

Collaboration is a key component of any successful business strategy, but it’s not always a simple task. The conflicting goals of individual teams means that different …

Enterprise PKI automation: The modern approach to certificate lifecycle management

Today’s modern enterprises face massive surges in the use of digital identities, both for machines, (servers, laptops and network devices) and for the humans who use them. In …

hybrid work
Five tips on how to stay (cyber)secure in a hybrid work world

From less time spent on the commute to a better work-life balance, maintaining the newly discovered possibilities of flexible working is a firm priority for workers today. For …

Bridging the “front and back of the house”: A lesson in risk management

Between cloud proliferation, new tech infrastructure and tools and an increasingly distributed workforce, organizations are struggling to implement proper risk management …

The Log4j debacle showed again that public disclosure of 0-days only helps attackers

On December 9, 2021, a (now deleted) tweet linking to a 0-day proof of concept (PoC) exploit (also now deleted) for the Log4Shell vulnerability on GitHub set the internet on …

SMBs should consider new approaches for increasing their cybersecurity posture

SMBs can obtain advice about cybersecurity quite easily from a plethora of resources. Getting their hands on practical technology solutions is, on the other hand, more of a …

API security: Understanding the next top attack vector

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) underpin today’s digital ecosystem as the essential connective tissue that allows companies to exchange data and information quickly …

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