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Three OT security lessons learned from 2021’s biggest cyber incidents

What do an oil pipeline, a water treatment plant, and a railway system have in common? They each rely on operational technology (OT) environments, and they were all victims of …

Safeguarding the B2B sharing economy

Most people are familiar with business-to-consumer (B2C) sharing economy companies such as Uber, Airbnb, and DoorDash, but what you may not know is that this fast-growing, …

Regulation fatigue: A challenge to shift processes left

Recent high-profile supply chain attacks have heightened the need for increased regulation of the open-source community. In the U.S., for example, President Biden’s …

Is offensive testing the way for enterprises to finally be ahead of adversaries?

The one principle the cyber-security industry is founded on is that defenders are always a step behind the hackers. Solutions are developed (FW, AV and onwards), technologies …

zero trust
Four key tenets of zero trust security

As cybercrime threatens businesses of all sizes, industries and locations, organizations have realized that the status quo is no longer tenable and that implementing zero …

The fast-expanding world of online proctoring: What cybersecurity industry leaders must know

The blistering post-pandemic pace of digital transformation has put the urgent demand for cybersecurity professionals in the spotlight. Simultaneously, more testing taking …

The dangers behind wildcard certificates: What enterprises need to know

With the National Security Agency recently issuing guidance on the risks associated with wildcard TLS certificates and Application Layer Protocols Allowing Cross-Protocol …

The first step to being cybersmart: Just start somewhere

When it comes to a subject as complex as cybersecurity, it’s easy to become a victim of decision paralysis. When company leaders and IT staff begin looking at their options …

Navigating ethics in AI today to avoid regrets tomorrow

As artificial intelligence (AI) programs become more powerful and more common, organizations that use them are feeling pressure to implement ethical practices in the …

Ransomware: How bad is it going to get?

Ransomware started out with attackers encrypting individual users’ files, demanding a few hundred dollars, and giving the victim a key to unlock their files once they paid up. …

Why cybersecurity leaders should focus on spending, people and technology (in that order)

The cybersecurity industry is facing greater challenges than ever before. The number of publicly-reported data compromises continues to rise, partially due to the massive …

Network and IoT security in a zero trust security model

You can never be too careful when it comes to network and IoT security. With a rapidly growing number of disparate devices being connected to corporate and industrial …

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