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Why machine identities matter (and how to use them)

The migration of everything to the cloud and corresponding rise of cyberattacks, ransomware, identity theft and digital fraud make clear that secure access to computer systems …

red teaming
Cybersecurity Red Team 101

“Red Team” is an expression coined in the 19th century, related to German military preparedness exercises conducted as realistic board games between two adversaries operating …

endpoint protection
Why EDR is not sufficient to protect your organization

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools are a cornerstone of most cybersecurity defenses today. But while the technology has an important role to play in investigating …

How to plan for increased security risks resulting from the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation is sweeping the world, and the causes and impacts are still being analyzed. Texas A&M University professor Anthony Klotz coined the term, predicting …

Top data governance challenges and strategies for high-growth startups

Hyper-growth startups face a unique set of challenges when it comes to secure data access. Their priority is to drive rapid innovation, scale their customer base and grow …

Will vacancies create security voids?

Automation may be shortening the Mean Time to Response (MTTR) when it comes to detecting and responding to attacks, but there is still no substitute for the human in the kill …

How to build a security tool that sells

In my experience as a CISO in the industry, as well as in my current position as CISO-in-Residence at YL Ventures, an early-stage, cybersecurity-focused venture capital firm, …

Biden legitimizes cryptocurrency with regulatory exploration

For some time, cryptocurrency was considered a fringe currency – a libertarian means of investing that challenged the traditional framework of brokers, trade desks and …

Are you willing to take a calculated risk? Quantifying your cyber risk and predicting future threats

We can all agree that cyber attacks are inevitable. The next step for cybersecurity professionals is reaching a consensus on the best way to prepare for unknown threats …

The simple secret to app security? Time

The thing about being a security consultant is that people are always looking to you for the “secret” to building a secure digital anything. And by “secret,” they usually mean …

Building trust in a zero-trust environment

A recent study by MITRE and DTEX revealed that despite years of industry efforts against insider threats, there isn’t enough data – or systems advanced enough – to spot all …

How to contain a privileged access breach and make sure it doesn’t happen again

When attackers pull off a privileged access breach, they have a beachhead into your network. Regardless of whether it’s software or users that are ill-protected, threat actors …

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