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Navigating the compliance labyrinth: A CSO’s guide to scaling security

Imagine navigating a labyrinth where the walls constantly shift, and the path ahead is obscured by fog. If this brings up a visceral image, you’ve either seen David Bowie’s …

identity, face, code, privacy, person
The changing face of identity security

It’s easy to see why identity security is often synonymous with user security. Social engineering tactics are the mainstay of the threat actor’s arsenal, and it’s rare to find …

patch tuesday
November 2024 Patch Tuesday forecast: New servers arrive early

November 2024 Patch Tuesday is now live: Microsoft fixes actively exploited zero-days (CVE-2024-43451, CVE-2024-49039) Microsoft followed their October precedent set with …

4 reasons why veterans thrive as cybersecurity professionals

Through their past military service, veterans are trained to think like adversaries, often share that mission-driven spirit and excel when working with a team to achieve a …

Apple’s 45-day certificate proposal: A call to action

In a bold move, Apple has published a draft ballot for commentary to GitHub to shorten Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates down from 398 days to just 45 days by 2027. …

data privacy
Consumer privacy risks of data aggregation: What should organizations do?

In September 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released an eye-opening report that digs into the data habits of nine major tech giants, including Amazon (Twitch), …

open source
Open-source software: A first attempt at organization after CRA

The open-source software (OSS) industry is developing the core software for the global infrastructure, to the point that even some proprietary software giants adopt Linux …

IoT needs more respect for its consumers, creations, and itself

Yet again, connected devices are in the news for all the wrong reasons. In October, security researchers found that robot vacuums from Chinese company, Ecovacs, can be …

Risk hunting: A proactive approach to cyber threats

Cybersecurity is an overly reactive industry. Too often we act like firefighters, rushing from blaze to blaze, extinguishing flames hoping to keep the damage to a minimum, …

A good cyber leader prioritizes the greater good

In the war against malicious cyber activity, it’s time for security vendors to step in – and it’s not how you might think. CISA Director Jen Easterly put it right at this …

cyber resilience
Achieving peak cyber resilience

Climbing Mount Everest isn’t a feat for the faint hearted. Extreme weather, dangerous terrain and acclimatization requirements make the trek challenging for even the most …

What’s more important when hiring for cybersecurity roles?

When building a cybersecurity team, you likely asked yourself, “Should I focus on certifications or real-world skills?” And since you rarely encounter entry-level candidates …

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