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Information Warfare: When Intrusion Detection Isn’t Enough

September 11, 2001-¦ that date will be engraved upon the memories of most Americans for many years to come. That is the date when Terrorists brought their battle to the U.S. …

Online Bank Security: Cover Your Assets!

Banks are secure. We all take this for granted. You can see the security; Strong walls, locks, alarms, cameras, vaults, security guards-¦ most of it is visible (physical) …

Online Security: What’s your approach?

In the rush to get online, many companies consider security as an afterthought. The hurry to develop an online presence causes them to overlook the obvious… they could …

Passwords – The Weak Link

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In the security world, that weak link is the human element, and it manifests in the poor management of user passwords. As our …

Code Red: As Bad As It Gets?

If you haven’t heard about Code Red by now you must have been in hibernation! This most recent worm has fueled the old debate on “Full Disclosure”. Many …

Risk e-Business

Well, it’s finally happened. I had my first close encounter with real life crackers! A good friend of mine recently went to work for a small Internet startup company (I …

Pss, guess what? The Internet is vulnerable to HACKERS!

Okay, I hear you say, “tell us something we don’t know!” But every week you see another article with the headline “Internet vulnerable to …

Traditional Intrusion Detection Model Outdated and Distracting

The Internet and interoperable intranets are a vast and complex dimension of both enabling and inhibiting data flows. Current generation intrusion detection (ID) systems are …

A Comment on Bugtracking

On November 20, 2000, I was sent an e-mail by someone who called himself Zorgon. It read: CGIForum is a free forum. We can set `thesection’ parameter to view files on …

Issues: “Save a bug, safe a life?”

“And there’s the sign, Ridcully,” said the Dean. “You HAVE read it, I assume. You know? The sign which says “Do not, under any circumstances, …

Hype and the Security Scene: Taking the “rep”

Ever since there has been a “hackerscene” there has been a constant struggle between its “inhabitants” and mainstream media over words. That’s …

Issues: The media’s guide to talking to hackers

HNN published an article called “A hacker’s guide to talking to the media”. It was received with different opinions around the scene (I remember it referred …

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